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RestResources : d2/sdk/utils/rest.resources

Lets read-only access to some long lived D2-REST resources that are loaded during application startup.

Extends: Object

Get the root resource links of D2-REST APIs.

Kind: instance method of RestResources
Returns: Array.<D2RestLinkObject> - resource links

restResources.getProductInfo() ⇒ ProductInfoModel

Get the metadata of D2-REST services. It returns build information, authentication type, repository config etc.

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getCurrentRepository() ⇒ RepositoryModel

Get the curernt repository that the user has logged into

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getCurrentUser() ⇒ UserModel

Get data of the logged in user.

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getFormats() ⇒ FormatCollection

Get collection of all content formats supported by the repository

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getD2Options() ⇒ Object

Get D2 rumtime options for the logged in user

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getWigetConfigs() ⇒ WidgetConfigsMap

Get all widget configs data available to the logged in user

Kind: instance method of RestResources

restResources.getDctmTypeData() ⇒ DctmTypesHolder

Get Documentum types available in the repository

Kind: instance method of RestResources