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SimpleListView : d2/sdk/controls/list/simple.list.view

A flat list view backed by a Backbone.Collection.

Backbone.Model instances could be added/removed from the backing collection to update the view dynamically.

Extends: Marionette.CollectionView

Example (Sample list with a selection)

], function(Backbone, Marionette, ListView, ListItemTypeNodeView, NodeModel){
'use strict';

var MyListView = ListView.extend({
childView: ListItemTypeNodeView,
constructor: function MyListView(options) {
options = options || {};, options);

var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: NodeModel

var collection = new MyCollection([
{id: '1', name: 'One', mime_type: 'application/pdf'},
{id: '2', name: 'Two', mime_type: 'image/jpg'}

new Marionette.Region({el: '.host-el'}).show(new MyListView({
collection: collection, selectedModel: new NodeModel({id: '2'})

simpleListView.mergeAttributesFromSelectedModelOnIDChange : Boolean

Whether to merge attributes of constructor option selectedModel to matching model within the collection whenever id attribute of the selectedModel changes.

Kind: instance property of SimpleListView
Default: true

simpleListView.skippableAttributesOnMerge : Array.<string>

Which attributes to skip while merging from selectedModel to a matching model within the collection

Kind: instance property of SimpleListView
Default: ['name']

simpleListView.attributesUsedForEqualityComparison : Array.<string>

Which attributes are used to compare for equality of selectedModel and models within the collection

Kind: instance property of SimpleListView
Default: ['id']


Kind: inner class of SimpleListView

new SimpleListView(options)


Constructor options. Following are the options specifically supported by the list apart from those from its supertype.


Message to show when there are no items in the associated collection.


Show a selection highlight for this model