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TreeView : d2/sdk/controls/tree/tree.view

Tree View, renders data into a tree structure. Internally it is implemented using Fancytree.

Extends: Marionette.ItemView
Example (A sample tree construction may look like)

], function(Marionette, TreeView, template){

var MyTreeView = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
template: template,

regions: {
rgnTree: '.rgnTree'

constructor: function MyTreeView(options) {
options = options || {};, options);

onRender: function() {
if(!this.treeView) {
this.treeView = new TreeView(this._buildTreeOptions());;

_buildTreeOptions: function() {
var treeOption = {
source: [
//This demonstrates how to initialize a tree with literal data only
{title: "Node 1", key: "1"},
{title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [
{title: "Node 2.1", key: "3"},
{title: "Node 2.2", key: "4"}

return treeOption;

return MyTreeView;

Example ( where the content of mybundle/test/test.tree.hbs is as follows )

<div class="rgnTree"></div>


Kind: inner class of TreeView

new TreeView(options)


Construction options holder. Only a subset of


Called when some node is activated.


Called when some node is about to become active.


Called when a node is clicked.


Called when a paging status node is clicked. A paging status node is used to render more siblings at given depth.


Called when a node is collapsed.


Called when a node is clicked twice.


Called when a node is expanded.


Called when a node receives keyboard focus.


Called when the tree reaches a particular state, when tree is initialized, source data is loaded & visible nodes are rendered.


Called when a node has received a keyboard event.


Called when data.node is expanded for the first time. The children data must be returned in data.results property.


Used to compute/collect data for the initial tree rendering. Can return a jQuery promise which can then later be resolved with tree data. See NodeData.


Key-value pairs used for translations.

TreeView~FancytreeEventCallback : function

Kind: inner typedef of TreeView


A jquery event representing interaction.


Data associated with the event.