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FormModel : d2/sdk/controls/form/form.model

FormModel. Data holder for FormView.

Raw dialog-like response from D2-REST API or literal JSON form data could be passed FormConverter to transform it into a compatible format and then the same could be used to instantiate/set into a FormModel instance which is later used by a FormView to render an HTML form.

Extends: Backbone.Model
Example (Sample to create FormModel)

], function($, FormModel, formConverter, contextUtil, ConnectorFactory){
'use strict';

//To instantiate FormModel from a literal schema
var literalSchema = {
id: 'sample_form',
data: {
field1: 'Hello world!'
schema: {
id: 'sample_form',
properties: {
field1: {
title: 'Greeting',
type: 'string',
required: false
options: {
fields: {
field1: {
label: 'Greeting',
type: 'd2label'


var literalFormModel = new FormModel(literalSchema);

//To instantiate FormModel from a dialog-like REST API response
var context = contextUtil.getPerspectiveContext(),
connector = context && context.getObject(ConnectorFactory);

url: '/D2-Smartview/repositories/d2repo/objects/090015fa80002d49/property-page',
success: function(resp) {
var formSchema = formConverter.convertConfig(resp['page-content'], {
actionMode: 'create',
layoutMode: 'single'

var dialogFormModel = new FormModel(formSchema.propertiesConfig[0]);
error: function() {
console.log('Fetching form failed');