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ApplicationScopePerspectives : d2/sdk/utils/perspectives/app.scope.perspectives

Application scope collection. Each navigable area within the D2 Smart View application page is called a perspective. E.g the area shown immediate after a user login is called landing perpsective.

An application scope is the immediate next navigable area from the landing perspective. It can be activated by user interacting with a tile in landing perspective or by direct URL. Once activated, depending on how the application scope is defined, one or several view components are going to take over the screen space and provide a holistic UI with related functional features for the perspective.

This collection is a registry of all such scope definitions and could be extended by extension

Extends: Backbone.Collection
Example (to register an extension, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/utils/perspectives/app.scope.perspectives": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (whereas is defined as)

define(['i18n!mybundle/utils/landingpage/impl/nls/lang'], function(lang){
'use strict';

function openURLWidgetConfigValidator(widgetConfig, options) {
var validation = {status: true};
if (!widgetConfig.widgetParams && !widgetConfig.widgetParams.open_url) {
validation.status = false; // It will be considered as a validation error
validation.errorMessage = lang.openUrlWidgetValidationFailed;
return validation;

// See 'AppScope' documentation for all possible properties with their usage
return [
{applicationScope: 'sample1'}, // widget-less application scope where the perspective descriptor location is inferred
{applicationScope: 'sample2', perspectiveJson: 'sample2.perspective.json'}, // widget-less application scope where the perspective descriptor location is partially inferred
// scope that requires widget config and declares explicit location of perspective descriptor
applicationScope: 'sample3',
perspectiveJson: 'mybundle/utils/perspectives/sample3.perspective.json',
widgetType: 'OpenURLWidget',
validateConfig: openURLWidgetConfigValidator
// Any other definition

ApplicationScopePerspectives~AppScope : Object

Kind: inner typedef of ApplicationScopePerspectives


Priority of this definition. For matching applicationScope property values, the definition with least value for sequence will be used.


ID of this scope. Also used in forming the URL that links to this application scope directly.


Path to the descriptor JSON file for this perspective. It can be specified explicitly as mybundle/utils/perspectives/abc.json or partially as a.perspective.json. If specified partially then the complete path is resolved as <bundle_src_folder>/utils/perspectives/a.perspective.json. As another alternative, this property can be omitted altogether, in that case the value of applicationScope property is used to resolve e.g if applicationScope is specified as sample then, perspectiveJson defaults to sample.json and that in-turn gets expanded into the complete path <bundle_src_folder>/utils/perspectives/sample.json.


The value to be passed as title to the outermost view component of this perspective. Ignored if this application scope is driven by a widget configuration, in that case the label/name of the widget config is used as title.


If activating this application scope demands a default widget configuration, then specify the type in this property. This should be specified only if an application scope requires a widget configuration and allows direct URL navigation. A value from the OOTB default widget types could be used, see DEFAULT or any new default widget types introduced by a D2 plugin could be used.


Type of the D2-Config widget associated with this application scope. Needs to be specified only if this scope requires a widget configuration. If omitted even when this scope requires a widget configuration, value for this property is deduced from defaultWidgetType property. A value from the OOTB widget types could be used, D2 or any valid widget type from D2-Config could be used.


Callback to validate the resolved config for this scope. Applicable only if this scope has specified one of defaultWidgetType or widgetType.


A no-argument callback invoked right before this application scope is just about to get activated. The callback should return false if it does not want to get activated.


A no-argument callback invoked if this application scope was enabled earlier and now being swapped out because a different application scope has been activated.

ApplicationScopePerspectives~ConfigValidatorCallback ⇒ ConfigValidatorReturnType

Callback function that validates widget configuration for an application scope

Kind: inner typedef of ApplicationScopePerspectives


The widget configuration being validated


Any additional context specific data that is not part of widgetConfig but might be relevant for validation

ApplicationScopePerspectives~ConfigValidatorReturnType : Object

Kind: inner typedef of ApplicationScopePerspectives


true indicates validation succeeded, false otherwise.


Error message to be shown in UI if the validation failed.