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OAuthLoginDialog : d2/sdk/utils/oauth.login.dialog

Authenticate with an external IDP using OAuth2 and acquire access token. Requires popup to be enabled in browser.

Extends: Object
Example (A sample authentication with OTDS could look like)

], function(contextUtil, ConnectorFactory, OAuthLoginDialog){
'use strict';

var dlg = new OAuthLoginDialog({
connector: contextUtil.getPerspectiveContext().getObject(ConnectorFactory),
url: 'https://<OTDS_SERVER_IP>:8443/otdsws/oauth2/auth',
clientId: 'sample_system',
strings: {
title: 'Sign in to Sample System', //could be localized using i18n
authError: 'Authentication failed for Sample System' //could be localized using i18n

.then(function(accessToken, expiresIn){
console.log('Acquired token:' + accessToken + ' that is valid for ' + expiresIn + ' ms.'); //Even though console logging sensitive data is a bad idea, but it's always handy for a code snippet :-)
console.log('Auth failed');

OAuthLoginDialog ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new OAuthLoginDialog(options)


  • Error if any of options.connector & options.url is missing.

Construction options holder


AJAX transport. See Connector.


Base URL of IDP


Client ID of the system for which token is being requested.

[options.strings]Object.<string, string>

To control different displayable labels associated with the dialog.


Login dialog's title.


Login dialog's message.


Login dialog's Cancel button label.


Message to be shown if authentication fails.


Alert dialog's title if popup is diabled.


Alert dialog's message if popup is diabled.

oAuthLoginDialog.login() ⇒ jQyery.Promise

Perform login to the external IDP. It checks existence of a valid access token first, if not found then login screen is shown.

Kind: instance method of OAuthLoginDialog
Returns: jQyery.Promise - resolves and invokes OAuthLoginSuccessCallback on successful login, rejects otherwise

OAuthLoginDialog~OAuthLoginSuccessCallback : function

Kind: inner typedef of OAuthLoginDialog


The access token


Token expiration time in milliseconds.