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SortableListView : d2/sdk/controls/list/sortable.list.view

A flat list view backed by a Backbone.Collection. Items in the list view could be dragged around to re-order them within the list.

Extends: Marionette.CompositeView
Example (Typical usage)

//In mybundle/trial/list/sortable.listitem.hbs
<div class="item-label" data-d2-key="{{name}}">{{label}}</div>

//In a test module
], function(Backbone, Marionette, SortableListView, template){
'use strict';

var ItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template,
templateHelpers: function() {
return {
label: this.model.get('label'),
name: this.model.get('id')

var collection = new Backbone.Collection([
{id: '1', label: 'One'},
{id: '2', label: 'Two'},
{id: '3', label: 'Three'}

var listView = new SortableListView({itemView: ItemView, collection: collection, hasNonRemovableItem: true, isItemNonRemovable: function(){return true;}});
new Marionette.Region({el: '.el-host'}).show(listView);



Kind: inner class of SortableListView

new SortableListView(options)


Constructor options. Following are the options specifically supported by the list apart from those from its supertype.


View class to use for rendering each item in the list.


Whether the list has non-removable item. If set to true then isItemNonRemovable() callback is executed for each item to decide removability.


Callback to decide if a particular item is non-removable

SortableListView~RemovableDetectionCallback ⇒ Boolean

Kind: inner typedef of SortableListView
Returns: Boolean - Return true to indicate the item shouldn't be removable.


Model behind the item being evaluated.