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ListItemTypeModel : d2/sdk/controls/list/listitem.type.model.view

A list item view that can work with any Backbone.Model.

Extends: Marionette.ItemView
Example (Typical usage)

], function(Backbone, Marionette, ListView, ListItemTypeModelView, contextUtils){
'use strict';

var collection = new Backbone.Collection([
id: 1,
name: 'One'
id: 2,
name: 'Two'
id: 3,
name: 'Three'
]), context = contextUtils.getPerspectiveContext();

var MyListView = ListView.extend({
childView: ListItemTypeModelView,
childViewOptions: function() {
var opts = _.extend({}, this.options);
opts.templateHelpers = function () {
return {
name: this.model.get('name'),
itemLabel: this.model.get('name'),
enableIcon: false,
showInlineActionBar: false
return opts;
constructor: function MyListView(options) {
options = options || {};, options);

var myList = new MyListView({collection: collection, context: context});
new Marionette.Region({el: '.host-el'}).show(myList);

listItemTypeModel.templateHelpers() ⇒ TemplateOptions

Kind: instance method of ListItemTypeModel
Returns: TemplateOptions - That controls how each item is rendered.


Kind: inner class of ListItemTypeModel

new ListItemTypeModel(options)


Constructor options


Reference to the active application context. Needed only if the listitem is going to have a dropdown menu.


Menu configuration

ListItemTypeModel~TemplateOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of ListItemTypeModel


Displayable text for the item


Aria-label associated with the item


Whether to show an icon for the item


CSS class name of an icon to be shown for the item. Ignored if enableIcon is set to false.


Whether the item will have a dropdown menu