Uses of Interface
Packages that use IDfList
Provides an interface for accessing the DFC through OLE/COM.
Provides classes and interfaces, related to distributed content transfer.
Provides classes and interfaces for constructing and running search queries against
multiple content repositories as well as external information sources (optional).
Provides classes and interfaces to utility functionality associated with all DFC objects.
Provides interfaces to common high-level client functionality,
such as functionality for checking in and checking out documents,
and checking out all the documents in a virtual document.
Provides interfaces and classes that manage Documentum
information on the client’s local system.
Uses of IDfList in
Methods in that return IDfList -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.fc.client
Methods in com.documentum.fc.client that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDeprecated.IDfObjectPath.getAccessibleFolderIds()
of accessible folder ids.IDfValueAssistance.getActualValues()
Return the list of possible actual values that the user can choose from.IDfAuditTrailManager.getAllEvents()
Gets a list of all the events(String) available in the repository.IDfPolicy.getAllIncludedTypes()
Retun an IDfList that includes the complete list of types for objects that can be attached to this policy.IDfAuditTrailManager.getApplicableEvents
(IDfId objectId) Gets a list of applicable events(String) for the object.IDfPersistentObject.getAttrAssistance
(String attrName) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call getValueAssistance on IDfValidator insteadIDfPersistentObject.getAttrAssistanceWithValues
(String attrName, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call getValueAssistance on IDfValidator insteadIDfPersistentObject.getAttrAsstDependencies
(String attrName) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call getValueAssistanceDependencies on IDfValidator insteadIDfAuditTrail.getAuditData()
This API gets the audit data information for this particular Audit Trail Object.IDfNetworkLocationEntry.getBeginIpAddressList()
Returns list of the first addresses in IP address ranges.IDfActivity.getConditions
(String routeCaseIdentifier) Returns the list (or list of lists) of transition condition definitions for the named route case.IDfValueAssistance.getDisplayValues()
Return the list of possbile attribute display values.IDfDocbaseMap.getDocbaseRoles
(int index) IDfNetworkLocationEntry.getEndIpAddressList()
Returns list of the last addresses in IP address ranges.IDfWorkitem.getForwardActivities()
Returns a list of IDfActivity interfaces that have at least one input port linked to one of the current activity's output ports.IDfAuditData.getModifiedIndexes()
Gets the Modified Indexes for this AttributeIDfAuditData.getNewValues()
Gets the New Values for this AttributeIDfWorkitem.getNextActivityNames()
Retrieves all activities that immediately follow this work item.IDfAuditData.getOldValues()
Gets the Old Values for this AttributeIDfWorkflow.getPerformerActivityNames()
Returns a list of user and group names for the specified performer activity name.IDfActivity.getPerformerConditionNames()
Return a String list that contains the name of the performer conditions.IDfActivity.getPerformers
(String conditionName) For the given condition name, return a String list of performers used for this condition.IDfWorkflow.getPerformers
(String actName) Returns a list of user and group names for the specified performer activity name.IDfACL.getPermissions()
Returns a list ofDfPermit
objects representing all the permissions specified in the ACL.IDfSysObject.getPermissions()
Returns a list ofDfPermit
objects representing all the permissions specified in the ACL for the sysobject.IDfWorkitem.getPreviousActivityNames()
Retrieves all activities that immediately preceeded this work item.IDfAuditTrailManager.getRegisteredEvents
(IDfId objectId) Gets a list of registered events(String) for the object.IDfAuditTrailManager.getRegisteredEventsForType
(String typeName, String controllingApp, IDfId policyId, String stateName) Gets a list of registered events(String) for the object type.IDfWorkitem.getRejectActivities()
Returns a list of activity objects that have at least one revert port.IDfActivity.getRouteCaseIdentifiers()
Returns a String list that contains the name of the route case identifiers.IDfActivity.getRouteCasePorts
(String RouteCaseIdentifier) Returns a String list that contains the output ports of the given route case identifier.IDfProcess.getStartActivities
(String initiateAct) Return the list of start activities linked with the given initiate activity.IDfWorkflowBuilder.getStartActivityIds()
Returns the object IDs of the start activities in the workflow's definition.IDfWorkflowBuilder.getStartActivityNames()
Returns the names of the start activities in the workflow's definition.IDfType.getTypeAttrAssistanceWithValues
(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList) Deprecated.IDfType.getTypeAttrAsstDependencies
(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state) Deprecated.Methods in com.documentum.fc.client with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String routeCaseIdentifier, IDfList conditions, IDfList outputPorts) Adds a route case to the activity.IDfWorkflow.addPackage
(String startActivityName, String inputPortName, String packageName, String packageType, String noteText, boolean notePersistent, IDfList componentId) Adds a package to a start activity in a workflow.IDfWorkflow.addPackage
(String startActivityName, String inputPortName, String packageName, String packageType, String noteText, boolean notePersistent, IDfList componentId, IDfList componentName) Adds a package to a start activity in a workflow.IDfWorkflowBuilder.addPackage
(String startActivityName, String inputPortName, String packageName, String packageType, String noteText, boolean notePersistent, IDfList componentIds) Adds a package to a start activity in the workflow.IDfWorkitem.addPackage
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId) Adds a package to a work item.IDfWorkitem.addPackage
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId, IDfList componentName) Adds a package to a work item.IDfWorkflow.addPackageEx
(String startActivityName, String inputPortName, String packageName, String packageType, String noteText, boolean notePersistent, IDfList componentId, int skillLevel) Adds a package to a start activity in the workflow and specifies a skill_level for the packageIDfWorkflow.addPackageEx
(String startActivityName, String inputPortName, String packageName, String packageType, String noteText, boolean notePersistent, IDfList componentId, IDfList componentName, int skillLevel) Adds a package to a start activity in the workflow and specifies a skill_level for the packageIDfWorkitem.addPackageEx
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId, int skillLevel) Adds a package to a work item and specifies a skill level for the package.IDfWorkitem.addPackageEx
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId, IDfList componentName, int skillLevel) Adds a package to a work item and specifies a skill level for the package.void
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId) This funtion would add the package to the start activities linked with the initiate activity that has been previously set by the setInitiateAct() API, if the package is defined on some input port of each start activity.void
(String packageName, String packageType, IDfList componentId, String noteText, boolean persistentNote, int skillLevel) This funtion would add the package to the start activities linked with the initiate activity that has been previously set by the setInitiateAct() API, if the package is defined on some input port of each start activity.void
(String conditionName, String condition, IDfList performers) Adds a performer case to the activity.void
(String routeCaseIdentifier, String condition, IDfList outputPorts) Adds a route case to the activity.Calls the server API Apply method.void
(String attrName, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call getValueAssistance on IDfValidator insteadIDfSession.getObjectPaths
(IDfList objectIdsList) Generate a map ofIDfObjectPath
objects for a list of objects with given object ids.
(String userName, int filter, IDfList orderByList, IDfList ascendingList) Retrieves the work items assigned to the specified user.IDfType.getTypeAttrAssistanceWithValues
(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList) Deprecated.void
(IDfId objectId, String event, boolean signAudit, int authentication, String eventDescription, IDfList attributeList) Registers an event for object instance.void
(IDfId objectId, String event, boolean signAudit, int authentication, String eventDescription, IDfList attributeList, boolean eSignatureRequired) Registers an event for object instance.void
(IDfId objectId, String event, boolean auditSubtypes, String controllingApp, IDfId policyId, String stateName, boolean signAudit, int authentication, String eventDescription, IDfList attributeList, boolean eSignatureRequired) Registers an event for object type.void
(String typeName, String event, boolean auditSubtypes, String controllingApp, IDfId policyId, String stateName, boolean signAudit, int authentication, String eventDescription, IDfList attributeList) Registers an event for object type.void
(String typeName, String event, boolean auditSubtypes, String controllingApp, IDfId policyId, String stateName, boolean signAudit, int authentication, String eventDescription, IDfList attributeList, boolean eSignatureRequired) Registers an event for object type.void
(IDfId objectId, IDfList events) Registers a list of events for the object.void
(String query, IDfList events) Registers the events specified in IDflist for the objects returned by the query.void
(IDfId folderId, IDfList events) Registers a list of events for all sysobjects under the folder.void
(IDfId newParentId, IDfList childIds) Reparents multiple lightweight objects at a time.void
Defines an extended round of work item performers.void
(IDfList toUsers, IDfList toGroups, String instructions, IDfList objectIDs, int priority, boolean endNotification) IDfSession.sendToDistributionListEx
(IDfList toUsers, IDfList toGroups, String instructions, IDfList objectIDs, int priority, int flags) Creates and starts an ad-hoc workflow.void
Sets the output ports.void
(IDfList actList) Defines the next activities to be assigned packages in the workflow.void
(String actName, IDfList userGroupList) Sets the performers attributes for the specified activity name.void
(String actName, IDfList userGroupList) Sets the performers attributes for the specified activity name.void
(IDfId objectId, IDfList events) Sets a list of events for the object.void
(IDfId objectId, IDfList events) Unregisters a list of events for the object.void
(String query, IDfList events) For each object returned by the query, removes the registrations for the specified events.void
(IDfId folderId, IDfList events) Unregisters a list of events for all sysobjects under the folder.void
(String attrName, IDfList values, IDfProperties depAttrValues) Validate the specified attribute with the validation rules set in the Data Dictionary given a list of attribute values, and an IDfProperties interface containing dependent attributes.void
(String attrName, IDfList valueList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call validateAttrRules on IDfValidator insteadvoid
(IDfList attrNameList, IDfList valueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) Deprecated.use getValidator and then call validateAllObjRules on IDfValidator insteadvoid
(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, String value, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) Deprecated.void
(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList values, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) Deprecated.void
(IDfList attrNameList, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList valueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) Deprecated. -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.fc.client.acs
Methods in com.documentum.fc.client.acs that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDfAcsConfig.getAcsNetworkLocationIdentifiers()
Returns a list of the ACS network location identifiers.IDfBocsConfig.getDocbaseNames()
Returns list of the repository names.IDfBocsConfig.getExternalUrlEntries()
Returns list of ExternalUrlEntry objects.IDfAcsConfig.getNearStores()
Returns list of names of stores that are near the ACS.IDfBocsConfig.getNetworkLocationIdentifiers()
Returns list of the BOCS network location identifiers.IDfValidationDescriptor.getParameterNames()
Returns the list of parameter namesIDfAcsConfig.getProjectionEntries()
Returns list of ProjectionEntry objects.IDfAcsTransferPreferences.getProtocols()
Returns a list of enabled protocols.IDfAcsConfig.getStoreEntries()
Returns list of StoreEntry objects.IDfAcsConfig.getUrlEntries()
Returns list of UrlEntry objects.IDfBocsConfig.getUrlEntries()
Returns list of UrlEntry objects.Methods in com.documentum.fc.client.acs with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IDfList acsNetworkLocationIdentifiers) Sets the ACS network location identifiers.void
(IDfList docbaseNames) Sets the repository names.void
(IDfList urlEntries) Replace all ExternalUrlEntry objects.void
(IDfList nearStores) Sets list of names of stores that are near the ACS.void
(IDfList networkLocationIdentifiers) Sets the BOCS network location identifiers.void
(IDfList parameterNames) Sets the list of parameter namesvoid
(IDfList projectionEntries) Replace all ProjectionEntry objects.void
(IDfList protocols) Sets protocols to be used for accelerated content transfer.void
(IDfList storeEntries) Replaces all StoreEntry objects.void
(IDfList urlEntries) Replaces all UrlEntry objects.void
(IDfList urlEntries) Replace all UrlEntry objects. -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.fc.client.aspect
Methods in com.documentum.fc.client.aspect that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDfAspects.getAspects()
Returns a list of the names of all attached aspects. -
Uses of IDfList in
Methods in that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDfSearchMetadataManager.getDOSExtensions
(String mimeFormat) Gets the DOS extensions associated to the specified MIME format value in the repository.IDfModifiableResultEntry.getList
(int attrIndex) Gets the list of value for a repeating attribute.Gets the list of value for a repeating attribute.Methods in with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IDfList valueList) Adds a set of values to the list.IDfExpressionSet.addValueListAttrExpression
(String attrName, int valueDataType, int searchOp, boolean isCaseSensitive, boolean isRepeated, IDfList valueList) Adds a search expression that requires the attribute value to be included in a list of values.static IDfValueListAttrExpression
(String attrName, int valueDataType, int searchOp, boolean isCaseSensitive, boolean isRepeated, IDfList valueList) Creates a search expression that requires the attribute value to be included in a list of values. -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.fc.common
Methods in com.documentum.fc.common that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDfValidationException.getAttrsNames()
(int index) Fetches an instance of an IDfList object from the list at the specified index.Returns an IDfList interface to which the specified property name is mapped to in the object.IDfProperties.getProperties()
Returns the property names as an IDfList interface.Methods in com.documentum.fc.common with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(IDfList value) Appends an instance of an IDfList object to the
(IDfList value) Returns the index of the first occurrence of an IDfList object in the list.void
Inserts all objects contained in an IDfList object into the list at a specified index.void
(int index, IDfList value) Inserts an instance of an IDfList object into the list at a specified index.void
Maps the specified property name to the specified IDfList interface property value.void
(IDfList attrNameList) void
(IDfList attrValueList) void
Adds an instance of an IDfList interface into the list at a specified index.void
(String strName, IDfList value) Constructors in com.documentum.fc.common with parameters of type IDfListModifierConstructorDescriptionDfValidationException
(String strKey, IDfList attrs, IDfList values, String msg) -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.operations
Methods in com.documentum.operations that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(IDfXMLDocType doctype) Returns a list strings containing object IDs and object names.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(IDfXMLDocType doctype, IDfFormat formatObj) Returns a list strings containing object IDs and object names.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(IDfXMLDocType doctype, IDfSysObject object) Returns a list strings containing object IDs and object names.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(IDfXMLDocType doctype, IDfFile file) Returns a list strings containing object IDs and object names.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(IDfXMLDocType doctype, String fileOrFormatName) Returns a list strings containing object IDs and object names.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationList
(String applicationName) Return a list of object IDs.IDfXMLUtils.getApplicationListByDTD
(String dtdSystemId, String dtdPublicId, String namespace, String rootElement, boolean returnSingleApp) Deprecated.DFC 5.2IDfOperationNode.getChildren()
Returns a list of the immediate children of this node.IDfOperation.getErrors()
Returns the list of operation errors.IDfPredictiveCachingOperation.getNetworkLocationIds()
Returns a list of the network location identifiers to be used for content pre-caching.IDfCheckinOperation.getNewObjects()
Returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation.IDfCopyOperation.getNewObjects()
Returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation.IDfImportOperation.getNewObjects()
Returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation.IDfOperation.getNodes()
Returns the list of all operation nodes.IDfCancelCheckoutOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfCheckinOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfCheckoutOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfCopyOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfDeleteOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfExportOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfMoveOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfPredictiveCachingOperation.getObjects()
Returns the list of unique objects in this operation.IDfXMLUtils.getObjectTypes
(String xmlApplication) getObjectTypes - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.IDfOperation.getRootNodes()
Returns a list of the root level nodes of the operation.IDfXMLDocType.getSchemaList()
Returns a list of schemas referenced by SchemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation.IDfOperation.getSteps()
Returns the list of operation steps.IDfFormatRecognizer.getSuggestedFileFormats()
Returns a list of format choices for a given file path.getZones - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Methods in com.documentum.operations with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IDfList networkLocationIds) Sets the list of the network location identifiers to be used for content pre-caching. -
Uses of IDfList in com.documentum.registry
Methods in com.documentum.registry that return IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDfRegistry.getBinaryValue
(String name) IDfRegistry.getBinaryValueAt
(String name, int index) IDfRegistry.getBinaryValues
(String name) IDfClientRegistry.getCheckedOutObjects()
Gets all the checked out objectsIDfViewedObject.getFilePaths()
It is possible that the given viewed object may have more than one file path.IDfClientRegistry.getFilesToBeDeleted()
Gets the list of files to be deletedIDfRegistry.getIntValues
(String name) IDfClientRegistry.getLocalObjects()
Gets all the checked out objectsIDfCheckedOutObject.getModifiedAttrs()
Returns a list of attribute names for the attributes that have been modified while the document is checked out.IDfCheckedOutObject.getSharedDocuments()
Returns the list of the object id's of all the documents that share this checked out objectIDfRegistry.getStringValues
(String name) IDfClientRegistry.getViewedObjects()
Gets all the viewed objectsIDfRegistry.subKeys()
Methods in com.documentum.registry with parameters of type IDfListModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String name, IDfList data) void
(String name, int index, IDfList data) void
(String name, IDfList data) void
(String name, IDfList data) void
(String name, IDfList data)