Package com.documentum.fc.client
Provides classes and interfaces for managing sessions and manipulating data in the repository. This package contains the most widely used interfaces in the framework and are typically the first objects instantiated and used in a DFC program. Using the interfaces in this package, one can establish a session, then perform actions like creating document objects, or creating collections of objects to perform specific tasks like starting a workflow, or attaching document lifecycles to objects.
The following list highlights functionality that can be found in this package:
<o:p> </o:p>
- Establishing and managing DFC sessions
- Creating, manipulating, and retrieving data
- Validating data
- Managing workflows
- Manipulating virtual documents
- Working with document versions
- Managing permissions
- Creating and managing document lifecyles
- Executing and processing queries
- Accessing the client registry
The following example code demonstrates how to establish a session and create a document:
<o:p> </o:p>
// Gets a DFC local client object that will call into DMCL40.
IDfClient client = DfClient.getLocalClient();
IDfSessionManager sMgr = client.newSessionManager();
<o:p> </o:p>
// Setup login details.
IDfLoginInfo login = new DfLoginInfo();
login.setUser( strUserName );
login.setPassword( strPassword );
login.setDomain( null );
<o:p> </o:p>
sMgr.setIdentity( strDocbase1, login );
sMgr.setIdentity( strDocbase2, login );
<o:p> </o:p>
IDfSession session1 = sMgr.newSession( strDocbase1 );
<o:p> </o:p>
// Create a document.
IDfDocument document = null;
document = (IDfDocument) session1.newObject("dm_document");
document.setObjectName("Report on Literature");
To access Java, Visual Basic and C++ DFC sample code, please visit the Documentum Developer Program.
ClassDescriptionAn exception that occurs when operating on a IDfACL instance.Signals a problem with authentication of an identity.An implementation of the IDfClient interface for use in a basic Java environment.This exception is used to indicate that the DBOR was not foundThis exception is thrown when a specific docbase does not have an identity.Thrown when a requested Docbase object can not be found.Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred while communicating with the docbase.Thrown when a requested Docbase object can not be found.Thrown when a qualification failed to match an object.Thrown when a requested Docbase object can not be found.Thrown when a requested Docbase object can not be found.An exception that occurs when operating on a IDfTypedObject instance.An exception that signals a problem with principal authentication.Signals a restricted session.DfScopingException class.The superclass for all service-based business objects.This exception is no longer used.This class provides error information.This exception is thrown when a Business Object Service is not properly configured in DBOR (Documentum Business Object registry) and the Java class cannot be instantiated.This exception is thrown when a Business Object Service is not configured in DBOR (Documentum Business Object registry).Thrown when the session referenced by a handle no longer exists.An exception that occurs when operating on a IDfSysObject instance.An exception that occurs when operating on a IDfTypedObject instance.Exceptions that occur when operating on workflow runtime objects including IDfWorkflow, IDfWorkitem, IDfPackageProvides access to permission-related data stored in ACL objects.This interface provides functions to access objects of dm_activity type.An extension of
that is useful for administrative programs.Provides access to business policy aliasing-related data stored in dm_alias_set objects.This interface provides access to permission-related data stored in ACL objects.This class provides the functionality to interact with dm_assembly objects in the repository.The Documentum server can log the occurrence of a predefined set of events to the audit trail.This interface describes the batch group object used in batch inserts.This interface provides the functionality for insert batching.A standard administrative interface that all BOF objects must implement.This interface provides functionality to establish and manage sessions with a Documentum server, and provides information about the server before a session is established.This interface provides access to collection objects.Provides the functionality to interact with dmr_containment objects in the repository.Used to manage the Documentum Business Objects Registry (DBOR), provide methods to register and unregister business objects, and to look up registered business object entries in DBOR.Allows you to define service properties for DBOR.This interface provides information about the repositories known to a connection broker.An interface for interacting with connection brokers for the purpose of obtaining lists of repositories and repository servers.Provides the functionality for the client to interact with "dm_document" objects in the respository.Interface for getting and setting values for dm_dump_record objects.Provides a wrapper for a java.util.Enumeration so that it may be used across COM.During batch insert, mulitple events would be written into one queue item if oneEventPerBatch were specified.This interface provides access to folder-related data stored in folder objects.Provides access to format information.This interface encapsulates options to get an object from the repository.This interface provides access to group-related data stored in group objects.Provides access to lightobject related functionality.Interface for getting and setting values for dm_load_record objects.This is a marked interface to represent a local transaction.This interface provides access to location properties.This interface provides access to mount point-related data stored in dm_mount_point objects.This class provides the functionality for the client to interact with "dm_sysobject" objects in the repository.Representation of user-accessible path to a given object.A map where the key are objects id and the values are an enumeration of the path where the object is located.Interface definition for the type DmiPackage Description: This object cannot be saved.This class provides the interface for defining and viewing security permits applied to documents and ACLs.Constant definitions for types of permits used withIDfPermit
.Constant String definitions for types of permits used withIDfPermit
.A Documentum object that has typed attributes and is persisted in a repository.This interface provides access to plugin-related data stored in dm_plugin objects.Interface for lifecycles.A predicate is an object which evaluates a boolean condition given some runtime state.An interface supported by classes that can establish sessions using principal-mode authentication.Methods you use to create and manipulate process objects, the objects that store workflow definitions in the repository.This interface provides functionality for running queries against a repository.This interface contains the functionality to retrieve information from a dmi_queue_item object.Interface definition for the type dm_relation Description:Interface definition for the type dm_relation_type.Provides access to dm_retainer objects, used for defining retention applied to SysObjects.Defines the way in which disposition rules are enforced.Defines the way in which retention protection rules are enforced.This class provides calls to create dmRetainer objects.Defines updateability rules for objects under retention.Defines how retention applies to the content of an object under retention control.Defines possible retainer strategy values for the IDfRetainer class.Defines the retention rule type for the IDfRetainer class.This class provides access to retention operations.Defines the possible status values of an IDfRetainer object.Deprecated.Constants for specifying the root location of, int)
operation.Provides information about known Docbase Servers.Parent interface for all service-based business objects.This interface encapsulates a session with a Documentum repository.Manages identities, pooled sessions and transactions.Allows a client to subscribe to major Session Manager eventsProvides statistics and status related to a session manager instance.Interface for policy state extensions.This class provides the functionality for the client to interact with "dm_sysobject" objects in the repository.This class provides access to the retention operations of the IDfSysobject class.This class provides access to the any new public stream/content related api's for the IDfSysobject class.An interface for obtaining Content server trust credentials.This interface provides access to type-related data stored in type objects.Public operations for all typed objects.This interface provides access to user-related data stored in user objects.Interface that provides the data validation functionality.Interface to provide information about the value assistance of an attribute, given the set of attribute name/value pairs of its depending attributes.This interface provides functionality used to manage hierarchy numbers for virtual documents displayed in the Virtual Document Manager.This class is used to enumerate the possible values of implicit and symbolic version labels for a SysObject.This interface provides version-related information about SysObjects.This interface provides information about the version tree of a SysObject.This class contains the functionality to manage virtual documents.This interface provides access to the nodes in a virtual document tree displayed in the Virtual Document Manager.This interface provides methods that allow you to create, start, and manage a workflow.Interface definition for the type DmiWFAttachment.This interface provides methods to help start a workflow.This interface contains the methods to manage work items, the runtime objects that represent the tasks associated with activity instances in a workflow.This interface provides methods for evaluating storage policy rules