All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- IAcrobatAnnotateService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Acrobat annotate service
- IActionService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Action Service provides access to IPluginActions
- IAnnotationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Provides access to native annotation services.
- IApplyConfigService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Provides ability to apply security, autolink and autonaming configurations to a document.
- IArchiveService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Archive management for dictionary/taxonomy
- IAuditService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document auditing and audit information.
- IBravaCSRAnnotationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IBravaCSRConfigService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IBravaIViewerPublicationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IBrowserService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Content services for Tree/Browser
- ICacheService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Cache management for dictionary and taxonomy.
- ICenterstageService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Documentum Centerstage integration services.
- ICheckinService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document checkin and related configuration.
- ICheckoutService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document checkout services.
- ICommandService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IConditionActionService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Condition ACTION Service provides access to ICondition and IDynamicAction evaluation
- IContentService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Doclist content, filtering and facet services
- ICreationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Service used for document creation process
- ID2fsService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Base D2FS service interface.
- ID2LifeCycleService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
D2 Life Cycle Management Services Interface.
- ID2ProfileImageService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- ID2ZipAndDownloadService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IDctmLifeCycleService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Dctm Life Cycle Management Services Interface.
- IDelegationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Delegation services.
- IDestroyService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document deletion services.
- IDetailsService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Detailed document content service.
- IDialogService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
D2 dialog services.
- IDictionaryService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Dictionary management services.
- IDistributionService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document distribution services.
- IDownloadService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document download & upload services.
- IExportService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Content export services.
- IExternalShareService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.externalshare
- IFavoritesService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Favorite documents management services.
- IHyperlinkService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Hyperlink services.
- ILinkedDocumentService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Linked document services.
- ILinkService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
D2 document link management.
- ILocateService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document location service.
- IMassUpdateService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Mass update interface
- IMenuService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Menu services.
- IMethodService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
D2 Method services.
- IMoveService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Move and Copy services.
- IMPORT - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Dialog
- IMPORT_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Attachment Dialog
- IMPORT_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Dictionary Dialog
- IMPORT_RENDITION - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Rendition Dialog
- IMPORT_TAXONOMY - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Taxonomy Dialog
- IMPORT_VALUES - Static variable in interface com.emc.d2fs.service.D2fsConstants
Dialog name - Import Values Dialog
- importDictionary(Context, String, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IDictionaryService
Import dictionary into docbase -- Use getImportDictionaryUrl() when using SOAP.
- ImportStructureConfig - Class in com.emc.d2fs.models.structure
Java class for import_structure_config complex type.
- ImportStructureConfig() - Constructor for class com.emc.d2fs.models.structure.ImportStructureConfig
- importTaxonomy(Context, String, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ITaxonomyService
Import taxonomy into docbase -- Use getImportTaxonomyUrl() when using SOAP.
- importVersionDictionary(Context, String, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IDictionaryService
Import dictionary version
- ImportVersionDictionaryRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- ImportVersionDictionaryRequest() - Constructor for class
- ImportVersionDictionaryResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- ImportVersionDictionaryResponse() - Constructor for class
- importVersionTaxonomy(Context, String, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ITaxonomyService
Import taxonomy version
- ImportVersionTaxonomyRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- ImportVersionTaxonomyRequest() - Constructor for class
- ImportVersionTaxonomyResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- ImportVersionTaxonomyResponse() - Constructor for class
- INFO - Enum constant in enum com.emc.d2fs.exceptions.D2fsException.TYPE
- insertInheritedComponent(Context, String, String, String, boolean, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IVDContentService
Inserts an inherited component as child element based on a VD template
- InsertVDInheritedComponentRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- InsertVDInheritedComponentRequest() - Constructor for class
- InsertVDInheritedComponentResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- InsertVDInheritedComponentResponse() - Constructor for class
- InvalidUserGroup - Class in com.emc.d2fs.service.d2collection
- InvalidUserGroup() - Constructor for class com.emc.d2fs.service.d2collection.InvalidUserGroup
- IPdfRenderService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
PDF rendering management.
- IPreferenceService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Preferences service.
- IPropertyService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document property services
- IReferenceService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IRelationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document relation management.
- IRenditionService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- IRepositoryService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Repository services.
- isAcl() - Method in class
Gets the value of the acl property.
- isAFolderOrACabinet() - Method in class
Gets the value of the aFolderOrACabinet property.
- isAFolderOrACabinet(Context, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ICreationService
Check if the type in parameter is a folder or a a cabinet.
- IsAFolderOrACabinetRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsAFolderOrACabinetRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsAFolderOrACabinetResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsAFolderOrACabinetResponse() - Constructor for class
- isAllowNoExtension() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.d2_allowed_files.AllowedFiles
Gets the value of the allowNoExtension property.
- isAlwaysSetAsCurVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the alwaysSetAsCurVersion property.
- isAlwaysUnlockNewVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the alwaysUnlockNewVersion property.
- isAttachFile() - Method in class
Gets the value of the attachFile property.
- isAttachments() - Method in class
Gets the value of the attachments property.
- isAttachments() - Method in class
Gets the value of the attachments property.
- isAuto() - Method in class
Gets the value of the auto property.
- isAutolink() - Method in class
Gets the value of the autolink property.
- isAvailableForEdit() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markup.Markup
Gets the value of the availableForEdit property.
- isAvailableForReview() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markup.Markup
Gets the value of the availableForReview property.
- isBrowse() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_content_assist.X3ContentAssist
Gets the value of the browse property.
- isC2Override() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.zipanddownloadinputobject.ZipAndDownloadInputObject
Gets the value of the c2Override property.
- isCabinet(String) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
- isCanBranchVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the canBranchVersion property.
- isCanComment() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.getcomments_result.GetCommentsResult
Gets the value of the canComment property.
- isCanDelete() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.comment.Comment
Gets the value of the canDelete property.
- isCanLogEntry() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the canLogEntry property.
- isCanMajorVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the canMajorVersion property.
- isCanMinorVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the canMinorVersion property.
- isCanReply() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.comment.Comment
Gets the value of the canReply property.
- isCanSameVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the canSameVersion property.
- isChangeColumnsEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.DocItems
Gets the value of the changeColumnsEnabled property.
- isCheckedOut() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the checkedOut property.
- isCheckinFromFileAllowed() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the checkinFromFileAllowed property.
- isCheckoutVd() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the checkoutVd property.
- isChildren() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.Item
Gets the value of the children property.
- isChildren() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.node.Node
Gets the value of the children property.
- isCommandAllowed() - Method in class
Gets the value of the commandAllowed property.
- isCommandAllowed(Context, String, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ICommandService
Test whether a command is allowed
- IsCommandAllowedRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsCommandAllowedRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsCommandAllowedResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsCommandAllowedResponse() - Constructor for class
- isContentLessTemplate() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.template.Template
Gets the value of the contentLessTemplate property.
- isConvertVd() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.structure.ImportStructureConfig
Gets the value of the convertVd property.
- isCurrent() - Method in class
Gets the value of the current property.
- isDeepFolder() - Method in class
Gets the value of the deepFolder property.
- isDefault() - Method in class
Gets the value of the default property.
- isDefault() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_space.X3Space
Gets the value of the default property.
- isDefault() - Method in class
Gets the value of the default property.
- isDefault() - Method in class
Gets the value of the default property.
- isDefault() - Method in class
Gets the value of the default property.
- isDefaultWorkspaceChange() - Method in class
Gets the value of the defaultWorkspaceChange property.
- isDescend() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.search_query_term.SearchQueryTerm
Gets the value of the descend property.
- isDialogRequired(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IDestroyService
Check if dialog is required for display before deletion
- isDialogRequired(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IReferenceService
Check if dialog is required for display before reference add
- IsDialogRequiredRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsDialogRequiredRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsDialogRequiredRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsDialogRequiredRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsDialogRequiredResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsDialogRequiredResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsDialogRequiredResponse() - Constructor for class
- IsDialogRequiredResponse() - Constructor for class
- isDisabled() - Method in class
Gets the value of the disabled property.
- isDoChangePref() - Method in class
Gets the value of the doChangePref property.
- isDocument(String) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
- isDone() - Method in class
Gets the value of the done property.
- isDone() - Method in class
Gets the value of the done property.
- isDone() - Method in class
Gets the value of the done property.
- isDone() - Method in class
Gets the value of the done property.
- isDragSourceEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.DocItems
Gets the value of the dragSourceEnabled property.
- isDropTargetEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.DocItems
Gets the value of the dropTargetEnabled property.
- ISearchService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Search and query management services.
- isEditable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markup.Markup
Gets the value of the editable property.
- ISendmailService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- isEventAudited(Context, String, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IAuditService
Check if an event is audited
- IsEventAuditedRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsEventAuditedRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsEventAuditedResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsEventAuditedResponse() - Constructor for class
- isExists() - Method in class
Gets the value of the exists property.
- isExplicitCheckoutVd() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the explicitCheckoutVd property.
- isExportToExcelEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.DocItems
Gets the value of the exportToExcelEnabled property.
- isFailure() - Method in exception com.emc.d2fs.exceptions.D2fsException
- isFavorite() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_content_assist.X3ContentAssist
Gets the value of the favorite property.
- isFixed() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.option.Option
Gets the value of the fixed property.
- isFixed() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Column
Gets the value of the fixed property.
- isFolder(String) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
- isFolderBefore() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the folderBefore property.
- isFolderHidden() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the folderHidden property.
- isFolderOrCabinet(String) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
- isForce() - Method in class
Gets the value of the force property.
- isForceAcquire() - Method in class
Gets the value of the forceAcquire property.
- isForceAcquire() - Method in class
Gets the value of the forceAcquire property.
- isForceRead() - Method in class
Gets the value of the forceRead property.
- isForceRead() - Method in class
Gets the value of the forceRead property.
- isFromIdNewerThanToId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the fromIdNewerThanToId property.
- isGetThumbnail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the getThumbnail property.
- isHasContent() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the hasContent property.
- isHasNewLocation() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkinlifecycle.CheckinlifeCycleResult
Gets the value of the hasNewLocation property.
- isHasNewLocation() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.lifecycle.LifeCycleResult
Gets the value of the hasNewLocation property.
- isHidden() - Method in class
Gets the value of the hidden property.
- isHideDomain() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.repository.Repository
Gets the value of the hideDomain property.
- isIconOnly() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.rendering_options.RenderingOption
Gets the value of the iconOnly property.
- isImmutable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.Item
Gets the value of the immutable property.
- isImmutable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.node.Node
Gets the value of the immutable property.
- isIncludeOnlyManifestFile() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.zipanddownloadinputobject.ZipAndDownloadInputObject
Gets the value of the includeOnlyManifestFile property.
- isIncludePartialPaths() - Method in class
Gets the value of the includePartialPaths property.
- isIncludeSubFolders() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.zipanddownloadinputobject.ZipAndDownloadInputObject
Gets the value of the includeSubFolders property.
- isIncludeTotal() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.context.PagingParam
Gets the value of the includeTotal property.
- isInfo() - Method in exception com.emc.d2fs.exceptions.D2fsException
- isIsAllowApplicationSelection() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.repository_info.RepositoryInfo
Gets the value of the isAllowApplicationSelection property.
- isIsAscending() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.context.SortOrder
Gets the value of the isAscending property.
- isIsComplete() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.zipanddownloadstatusobject.ZipAndDownloadStatusObject
Gets the value of the isComplete property.
- isIsD2Template() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.template.Template
Gets the value of the isD2Template property.
- isIsDefault() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.taxonomy_operation.TaxonomyNode
Gets the value of the isDefault property.
- isIsDestroyed() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.destroyresult.Destroyresult
Gets the value of the isDestroyed property.
- isIsEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.taxonomy_operation.TaxonomyNode
Gets the value of the isEnabled property.
- isIsError() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.pdfrender_result.PdfQueueResult
Gets the value of the isError property.
- isIsFilterSearch() - Method in class
Gets the value of the isFilterSearch property.
- isIsIncludedAtLogin() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.application.Application
Gets the value of the isIncludedAtLogin property.
- isIsMatrixApplicationMode() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.repository_info.RepositoryInfo
Gets the value of the isMatrixApplicationMode property.
- isIsQueued() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.pdfrender_result.PdfRenderResult
Gets the value of the isQueued property.
- isIsReference() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.Item
Gets the value of the isReference property.
- isIsRepeating() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.attribute.Attribute
Gets the value of the isRepeating property.
- isIsSearchable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.attribute.Attribute
Gets the value of the isSearchable property.
- isIsTheDocumentMIPProtected() - Method in class
Gets the value of the isTheDocumentMIPProtected property.
- isIsVersioned() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.taxonomy_operation.Taxonomy
Gets the value of the isVersioned property.
- isIsWarning() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.pdfrender_result.PdfQueueResult
Gets the value of the isWarning property.
- isIsWarning() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.rendition_result.RemoveRenditionResult
Gets the value of the isWarning property.
- isIsWhitelist() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.d2_allowed_files.AllowedFiles
Gets the value of the isWhitelist property.
- isKeepLogEntry() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the keepLogEntry property.
- isKeepLogEntry() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_parameters.CheckinParameters
Gets the value of the keepLogEntry property.
- isKeepSymbolicLabel() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the keepSymbolicLabel property.
- isKeepSymbolicLabel() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_parameters.CheckinParameters
Gets the value of the keepSymbolicLabel property.
- isLinkRequired() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.link_info.LinkInfo
Gets the value of the linkRequired property.
- isLinkSilent() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.link_info.LinkInfo
Gets the value of the linkSilent property.
- isLocked() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_space.X3Space
Gets the value of the locked property.
- isLockedByUser() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the lockedByUser property.
- isLogEntryRequired() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the logEntryRequired property.
- isMakeCurrent() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_parameters.CheckinParameters
Gets the value of the makeCurrent property.
- isManualAcquisitionTask(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IWorkflowService
Check if task acquisition is manual or automatic
- IsManualAcquisitionTaskRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsManualAcquisitionTaskRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsManualAcquisitionTaskResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsManualAcquisitionTaskResponse() - Constructor for class
- isManuvalOrder() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.taxonomy_operation.TaxonomyInfo
Gets the value of the manuvalOrder property.
- isMemberOfGroup(Context, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IDialogService
Check if user is member of a group
- IsMemberOfGroupRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsMemberOfGroupRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsMemberOfGroupResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsMemberOfGroupResponse() - Constructor for class
- isMultiSelectionEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.DocItems
Gets the value of the multiSelectionEnabled property.
- isNaming() - Method in class
Gets the value of the naming property.
- isNative() - Method in class
Gets the value of the native property.
- isNoContent() - Method in class
Gets the value of the noContent property.
- isNoContentAuthorized() - Method in class
Gets the value of the noContentAuthorized property.
- isNoContentAuthorized(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ICreationService
Check if document without content is authorized
- isNoContentAuthorized(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ITemplateService
Check if document without content is authorized
- IsNoContentAuthorizedRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoContentAuthorizedRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoContentAuthorizedRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsNoContentAuthorizedRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsNoContentAuthorizedResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoContentAuthorizedResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoContentAuthorizedResponse() - Constructor for class
- IsNoContentAuthorizedResponse() - Constructor for class
- isNoCreationProfile() - Method in class
Gets the value of the noCreationProfile property.
- isNoCreationProfile(Context, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ICreationService
Check if creation profile are available
- IsNoCreationProfileRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoCreationProfileRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsNoCreationProfileResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsNoCreationProfileResponse() - Constructor for class
- isOffline() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the offline property.
- isOverrideExistingComponent() - Method in class
Gets the value of the overrideExistingComponent property.
- isOverwrite() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markuprequesttype.MarkupRequestType
Gets the value of the overwrite property.
- isOverwrite() - Method in class
Gets the value of the overwrite property.
- isOverwrite() - Method in class
Gets the value of the overwrite property.
- isParameterMultiple(String) - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.Parameters
Determine if parameter has multiple values
- isPromoted() - Method in class
Gets the value of the promoted property.
- isPropertyAudited(Context, String, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IAuditService
Check if a document property is audited
- IsPropertyAuditedRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsPropertyAuditedRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsPropertyAuditedResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsPropertyAuditedResponse() - Constructor for class
- isProtectedInControlledView(Context, String, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IDownloadService
Test if the document is encrypted through controlled view
- isProtectedInControlledView(Context, String, List<Attribute>) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IThumbnailsService
Test if the document is encrypted through controlled view
- IsProtectedInControlledViewRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsProtectedInControlledViewRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsProtectedInControlledViewRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsProtectedInControlledViewRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsProtectedInControlledViewResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsProtectedInControlledViewResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsProtectedInControlledViewResponse() - Constructor for class
- IsProtectedInControlledViewResponse() - Constructor for class
- isQueueRendition() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the queueRendition property.
- isQueueRendition() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_parameters.CheckinParameters
Gets the value of the queueRendition property.
- isRead() - Method in class
Gets the value of the read property.
- isReadable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markup.Markup
Gets the value of the readable property.
- isRecent() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_content_assist.X3ContentAssist
Gets the value of the recent property.
- isRefereshNeeded() - Method in class
Gets the value of the refereshNeeded property.
- isRefreshAll() - Method in class
Gets the value of the refreshAll property.
- isRefreshAll() - Method in class
Gets the value of the refreshAll property.
- isRemote() - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.ID2fsService
Check if service is remote
- isRepeating() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Column
Gets the value of the repeating property.
- isResetSpace() - Method in class
Gets the value of the resetSpace property.
- isRestore() - Method in class
Gets the value of the restore property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the result property.
- isRetainLock() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_parameters.CheckinParameters
Gets the value of the retainLock property.
- isRLockMachine() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the rLockMachine property.
- isSame() - Method in class
Gets the value of the same property.
- isSame() - Method in class
Gets the value of the same property.
- isSameProp() - Method in class
Gets the value of the sameProp property.
- isSameProp() - Method in class
Gets the value of the sameProp property.
- isSaveAs() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.markuprequesttype.MarkupRequestType
Gets the value of the saveAs property.
- isSearch() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_content_assist.X3ContentAssist
Gets the value of the search property.
- isSearchHighlightEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the searchHighlightEnabled property.
- isSearchHighlightEnabled() - Method in class
Gets the value of the searchHighlightEnabled property.
- isSearchHighlightEnabled() - Method in class
Gets the value of the searchHighlightEnabled property.
- isSearchSummaryEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the searchSummaryEnabled property.
- isSearchSummaryEnabled() - Method in class
Gets the value of the searchSummaryEnabled property.
- isSearchSummaryEnabled() - Method in class
Gets the value of the searchSummaryEnabled property.
- isSelected() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.Item
Gets the value of the selected property.
- isSelected() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.option.Option
Gets the value of the selected property.
- isSilentMajor() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the silentMajor property.
- isSilentMinor() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the silentMinor property.
- isSilentSame() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the silentSame property.
- isSkinDialogBackgroundWhite() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_skin.X3Skin
Gets the value of the skinDialogBackgroundWhite property.
- isSkinTabColoredText() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_skin.X3Skin
Gets the value of the skinTabColoredText property.
- isSortable() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Column
Gets the value of the sortable property.
- isSso() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.context.Context
Gets the value of the sso property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkinlifecycle.CheckinlifeCycleResult
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.dictionary_operation.DictionaryOperationResult
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.lifecycle.LifeCycleResult
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.taxonomy_operation.TaxonomyOperationResult
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSuccess() - Method in class
Gets the value of the success property.
- isSvAccessibleCompliant() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the svAccessibleCompliant property.
- isSyncSharedAsNative() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.checkin_config.CheckinConfig
Gets the value of the syncSharedAsNative property.
- isTaskAcquired(Context, String) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IWorkflowService
Check if task is acquired
- IsTaskAcquiredRequest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsTaskAcquiredRequest() - Constructor for class
- IsTaskAcquiredResponse - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- IsTaskAcquiredResponse() - Constructor for class
- isTimeEnabled() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the timeEnabled property.
- isTrusted() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.authc.HttpAuthPrincipal
- ISubscriptionsService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
- isValid() - Method in class
Gets the value of the valid property.
- isValidateLicense() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.context.Context
Gets the value of the validateLicense property.
- isValidFilename(AllowedFiles, String) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
Check the ending of the file name against the list of allowed or disallowed endings
- isValidFileSize(AllowedFiles, Long) - Static method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.AttributeUtils
Check the file size against the max size
- isValueInParameter(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.utils.Parameters
- isVdShowNumber() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the vdShowNumber property.
- isVdShowVersion() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.preference.Preference
Gets the value of the vdShowVersion property.
- isViewNative() - Method in class
Gets the value of the viewNative property.
- isVirtualDescendant() - Method in class
Gets the value of the virtualDescendant property.
- isWarning() - Method in exception com.emc.d2fs.exceptions.D2fsException
- isWidgetInView(Context, String, String, int) - Method in interface com.emc.d2fs.interfaces.IX3ConfigService
Determines if the specified widget is configured in the specified view of the specified workspace (needed to know how to handle the remove widget action)
- isWidgetIsOAJ() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_widget.X3Widget
Gets the value of the widgetIsOAJ property.
- isWidgetIsUnloadProtect() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_widget.X3Widget
Gets the value of the widgetIsUnloadProtect property.
- isWidgetShowToolbar() - Method in class com.emc.d2fs.models.x3_widget.X3Widget
Gets the value of the widgetShowToolbar property.
- isWorkspaceRestore() - Method in class
Gets the value of the workspaceRestore property.
- ITaxonomyService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Taxonomy management services.
- Item - Class in com.emc.d2fs.models.item
Java class for item complex type.
- Item() - Constructor for class com.emc.d2fs.models.item.Item
- ITemplateService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document template management.
- IThumbnailsService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Document thumbnail services.
- IValidationService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Validation services.
- IVDContentService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Virtual Document management services.
- IVDConvertService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Virtual document conversion services.
- IVDSnapshotService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Virtual document Snapshot services.
- IVDTemplateService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Virtual document template management services.
- IWorkflowContentService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Workflow content services.
- IWorkflowPreviewService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Workflow preview services.
- IWorkflowService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
Workflow management services.
- IX3ConfigService - Interface in com.emc.d2fs.interfaces
D2 Portal Page configuration services.
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