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Add new task details view to plugin

If a D2SV plugin intends to define new views like working files, supporting files, task notes then this assistant option could be used to create the boilerplate code associated with such views, which is also known as task details panel.


Use this option when at least one plugin project exists in the workspace.

Associated questions and their meanings -

  • Select plugin to add new task details view

    Specify the plugin project where to add boilerplate code for the new task details view.

  • Enter name for the view

    A unique name for the new task details view.

    This will be the name shown for the tab by default.

Associated generated boilerplate files and their use -

  • The generated files would be present under <Plugins Directory>\<Selected Plugin>\src\main\smartview\src\widgets\task.details\panels\<View Name>

  • impl folder

    This folder contains the handlebar template file and the style sheet file used by the view.

    It also contains the nls folder which contains the lang files used for the translation strings.

    The tab name could be changed by changing the translation string value for tabName in lang.js file under nls/root folder.

  • task.<View Name>.view.js

    This is the main view file for the new task details view created.

    This will have code for a simple helloworld view.

    The template file, style sheet and lang file used by this view are already loaded.

    A wrapper class name for this view, ui, regions and events are defined in this view for reference.

    Modify this view based on the usecase.

    By default, this view will be visible in task and workflow tab panel. Add conditions to restrict this view based on the usecase.