Interface IDfCancelCheckoutOperation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfCancelCheckoutOperation extends IDfOperation
The cancel checkout operation releases the Docbase lock, deletes the local content file, and removes registry entries for each node in the operation. IDfSysobject, IDfVirtualDocument, and IDfVirtualDocumentNode objects may be added to a cancel checkout operation. If a virtual document is added, the entire graph of the virtual document is processed as part of the operation. Any objects added to the cancel checkout operation that have not been checked out, are not processed. No error is returned for non-checked out objects.
  • Method Details

    • getKeepLocalFile

      boolean getKeepLocalFile() throws DfException
      Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the local content file should be preserved or deleted as part of the operation.
      true if the local content file should not be deleted as part of the operation.
    • setKeepLocalFile

      void setKeepLocalFile(boolean keepFile) throws DfException
      Sets a boolean value indicating whether or not the local content file should be preserved or deleted as part of the operation.
      keepFile - pass true for the local content file to not be deleted.
    • getObjects

      IDfList getObjects() throws DfException
      Returns the list of unique objects in this operation. Each IDfList entry will be an IDfSysObject.
      returns the list of unique objects in this operation