Interface IDfAspects

public interface IDfAspects
Interface providing aspect operations
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Attaches the named aspect and invokes the optional callback when the object is completely rebuilt.
    Detaches the named aspect and invokes the optional callback when the object is completely rebuilt.
    Returns a list of the names of all attached aspects.
  • Method Details

    • attachAspect

      void attachAspect(String name, IDfAttachAspectCallback callback) throws DfException
      Attaches the named aspect and invokes the optional callback when the object is completely rebuilt.

      The callback is intended for use when you are attaching aspects from within a TBO or aspect implementation. If you are attaching an aspect from a normal DFC context just refetch the object (to access the new proxy) and use it directly.

      name - the name of the aspect to attach
      callback - a callback object, or null
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • detachAspect

      void detachAspect(String name, IDfDetachAspectCallback callback) throws DfException
      Detaches the named aspect and invokes the optional callback when the object is completely rebuilt.

      The callback is intended for use when you are detaching aspects from within a TBO or aspect implementation. If you are detaching an aspect from a normal DFC context just refetch the object (to access the new proxy) and use it directly.

      name - the name of the aspect to detach
      callback - a callback object, or null
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getAspects

      IDfList getAspects() throws DfException
      Returns a list of the names of all attached aspects.
      a list of the names of all attached aspects
      DfException - if a server error occurs