Interface IDfValueAssistance

public interface IDfValueAssistance
Interface to provide information about the value assistance of an attribute, given the set of attribute name/value pairs of its depending attributes. It is returned by IDfValidator.getValueAssistance().
The value assistance information associated with a specified set of depending attribute name/value pairs includes: the actual possible values that the user can choose from, the display values corresponding to each actual value, and whether the value assistance is complete or not. If the value assistance is complete, any values outside of the value assistance list will be considered invalid.
A value assistance is valid if the values of the depending attributes have not changed since the value assistance was last retrieved.
The actual and display values should be a one-to-one mapping.
  • Method Details

    • getActualValues

      IDfList getActualValues()
      Return the list of possible actual values that the user can choose from.
      the list of possible actual values
    • getActualValue

      String getActualValue(String displayValue) throws DfException
      Return the possible actual value mapped to the specified displayValue. If the specified displayValue is not found, null will be returned.

      Note: a developer can specify a value mapping table in the data dictionary. It maps a possible "actual value" to a user-friendly display value. For example, there could be a mapping as follows in the data dictionary:

       Actual Value     Display Value
       CA               California
       NY               New York
       FL               Florida
      In a UI, the end-user will see California, New York and Florida in a drop down list. If the end-user chooses California, the application will map California back to its "actual value", CA, and store CA in the Documentum server as the attribute value for that object instance.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfValueAssistance interface for a sysobject and display the actual values for an attribute:

       IDfPersistentObject pObj = sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfValidator v = pObj.getValidator();
       IDfValueAssistance va = v.getValueAssistance("attr_list", null);
       String actualVal = va.getActualValue("California");
       if (actualVal.equals("CA"))
            // Do something here..

      displayValue - the display value.
      the possible actual value mapped to the specified displayValue, or null if the specified displayValue is not found.
    • getDisplayValues

      IDfList getDisplayValues()
      Return the list of possbile attribute display values.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfValueAssistance interface for an IDfPersistentObject and the display values for an attribute:

       IDfPersistentObject pObj = sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfValidator v = pObj.getValidator();
       IDfValueAssistance va = v.getValueAssistance("attr_list", null);
       IDfList listVals = va.getDisplayValues();
       for (int i = 0; i < listVals.getCount(); i++)
            System.out.println("Display Value: " + listVals.getString(i));

      a list of display values.
    • getDisplayValue

      String getDisplayValue(String actualValue) throws DfException
      Return the possible display value mapped to the specified actual value. If the specified actualValue is not found, null will be returned.
      actualValue - the actual value
      the display value mapped to the specified actual value null, if the specified actualValue is not found.
    • isListComplete

      boolean isListComplete()
      Indicate whether value assistance is complete or not. The value assistance is complete if the only values accepted as valid are those specified in the value assistance list.
      true if the value assistance is complete, false otherwise.
    • isValidForObject

      boolean isValidForObject(IDfPersistentObject objectInstance) throws DfException
      Indicate whether the value assistance is valid or not. Value assistance is valid if the values of the depending attributes have not changed since the value assistance was last retrieved. If the selection of value assistance is dependent on other attributes, the values of the depending attributes will be looked up from the specified objectInstance.
      objectInstance - the object instance where the values of the depending attributes will be looked up from
      true if the value assistance is valid, false otherwise.
    • isValidForDependentValues

      boolean isValidForDependentValues(IDfProperties depAttrValues) throws DfException
      Indicate whether the value assistance is valid or not. Value assistance is valid if the values of the depending attributes have not changed since the value assistance was last retrieved. If the selection of value assistance is dependent on other attributes, the values of the depending attributes will be looked up from the specified attribute name/value pairs.
      depAttrValues - the attribute name/value pairs where the values of the depending attributes will be looked up from
      true if the value assistance is valid, false otherwise.