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Understanding D2SV plugin project

Each D2SV plugin project is a hybrid Maven + NodeJS project having some Java, Javascript and a few static resources as part of its source code. On the outer side, the source code is organized in a Maven project layout and an additional source directory src/main/smartview is used to house Javascript source code and directory follows an NPM project structure.

Here we list the directories and files found in a bare-minimum project and outline their purpose. For the purpose of listing, we create a new plugin project by following -

  • Execute npm start in the workspace root directory to fire up the Workspace Assistant
  • Select option Create a new plugin project
  • Answer the follow-up questions as -
    • Directory name to save this plugin project in: plugins
    • Maven group-id of the plugin: com.opentext.d2.smartview
    • Name(maven artifact-id) of the plugin: D2SV-TEST
    • Version of the plugin: 1.0.0
    • One liner description of the plugin(shows up everywhere in D2 runtime): D2SV-TEST
    • Enter package namespace for the plugin(used as prefix/suffix to generate Java classes & properties, also its lowercase format is used as base Java package name for the plugin & D2SV UI bundle): D2SVTEST
    • Include support for D2SV UI: Yes

After the assistant runs successfully, it would create a new plugin project in plugins/D2SV-TEST directory.

Plugin project layout

| pom.xml
| \---main
| +---java
| | \---com
| | +---emc
| | |
| | |
| | \---opentext
| | \---d2
| | +---rest
| | | \---context
| | | \---jc
| | |
| | |
| | \---smartview
| | \---d2svtest
| | |
| | |
| | +---api
| | |
| | |
| | \---rest
| |
| |
| +---resources
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | \---smartview
| |
| |
| \---smartview
| | .csslintrc
| | .eslintrc-html.yml
| | .eslintrc.yml
| | .npmrc
| | config-editor.js
| | d2svtest.setup.js
| | Gruntfile.js
| | package.json
| | server.conf.js
| |
| |
| +---lib (shortcut to javascript & java libraries)
| +---node_modules (shortcut to NPM based dependencies used to build/serve the Javascript portion of code)
| +---out-debug (directory will contain compiled Javascript code in non-minified format)
| +---out-release (directory will contain compiled Javascript code in minified format)
| |
| +---src
| | | component.js
| | | config-build.js
| | | d2svtest-extensions.json
| | | d2svtest-init.js
| | | Gruntfile.js
| | |
| | +---bundles
| | | d2svtest-bundle.js
| | |
| | +---test
| | | extensions.spec.js
| | |
| | \---utils
| | | startup.js
| | |
| | \---theme
| | | action.icons.js
| | |
| | \---action_icons
| | action_sample_icon.svg
| |
| \---test
| Gruntfile.js
| karma.conf.js

Files and their purpose

  • /

    • pom.xml - Maven build file. Used to build the plugin from source code to its distributable format.
  • src/main/java/ - Directory containing all Java source code

    • com/emc/ - Declares identification information for the entire plugin using D2SVTESTVersion class.
    • com/opentext/d2/rest/context/jc/ - Java configuration for spring components like Beans, Interceptor, Filter etc. This class also declares a component scanner for Spring runtime to automatically load REST Controller and related components.
    • com/opentext/d2/smartview/d2svtest/ - Declares a blanket plugin. Additional code could be put inside this class to implement any functional service plugin.
    • com/opentext/d2/smartview/d2svtest/api/ - Holder for plugin identification information. Loads relevant data from file resource.
    • com/opentext/d2/smartview/d2svtest/rest/ - Declares package metadata for JDK and IDE.
  • src/main/resources/ - Directory containing all plugin related metadata and other static resources

    • smartview/ - Descriptor for D2SV UI runtime. Content of this file is read by D2SV UI runtime and appropriate UI artifacts from this plugin are discovered and linked to the UI.

      This file won't be present for the plugins where Smartview UI support is not enabled.


      Changing content of this file will bring about runtime incompatibility and the UI artifacts will never get discovered by D2SV UI runtime.

    • - Another descriptor for D2SV plugin system to identify this plugin separately from other plugins deployed in the same runtime. Content of this file is interpreted as a uniqueue namespace identifier.

      Changing content of this file will lose the namespace convention used throughout the source code and makes this plugin unmanageable by the SDK as well as D2SV runtime.

    • - Contains name, version and base package for Java classes defined by this plugin. This file is read by D2SVTESTVersion class and supplies the metadata information to D2SV plugin system.

      Changing content of this file may render D2SV runtime to correctly load class files from the deployed plugin jar.

  • src/main/smartview/ - Home of the NPM project that represents the Javascript and related source code for D2SV UI.


    Even though the source code here is layed out as an NPM project but you should never execute npm install command in this directory. Doing so will completely break the setup as the node_modules folder is a softlinked directory and managed by the package.json from SDK workspace root.


    If for some reason an additional NPM based dependency is required for a plugins UI code, the dependency should be added in the package.json from SDK workspace root, subsequently followed by npm install command execution in the workspace root directory itself. After that the plugin specific Javascript code can refer to it in usual manner.

    • lib - Shortcut to the lib directory from SDK workspace root. The directory hosts all D2SV UI dependency libraries, that are used while running the Javascript only portion through a NodeJS light-server.
    • node_modules - Shortcut to the node_modules directory from SDK workspace root. The directory hosts all NPM packages used to test, build the Javascript source code and pack those into distributable format, besides serving them through NodeJS server for debugging/testing purposes.
    • out-debug - The directory that will contain non-minified output from Javascript code post compilation.
    • out-release - The directory that will contain minified output from Javascript code post compilation.
    • config-editor.js - Temporary RequireJS configuration override file used while building the UI code.
    • d2svtest.setup.js - NodeJS module to setup/re-instate the directory softlinks for lib and node_modules.
    • Gruntfile.js - Master task definition file used by Grunt while testing/building the source code.
    • package.json - NPM package manifest for the UI code.
    • server.conf.js - Lets configure the remote URL to use as back-end while serving the application through NodeJS.
    • .csslintrc - Linter rules for CSS files. Used to validate if all CSS source files meet D2SV standard.
    • .eslintrc.yml - Linter rules for Javascript files. Used to validate if all JS source code meet D2SV standard.
    • .eslintrc-html.yml - Linter rules for HTML & HBS(Handlebars HTML template) files. Used to validate if matching source files meet D2SV standard.
    • .npmrc - Local NPM configuration, used by NodeJS engine before running any NPM/NodeJS scripts.

      All these HTML, JS, JSON, CSS etc files are not part of the actual plugin source code. Some of them facilitate build, test, packaging of the actual source code whereas, others enable serving the entire front-end of D2SV application including this plugin and connects it to a remote back-end for testing/debugging purposes. Any of these files should not be modified.

    • src/bundles/d2svtest-bundle.js - Plugin UI bundle, it must contain direct/indirect reference to all AMD modules defined in this plugin so that they are correctly packaged during build.

      AMD modules, that are referred by atleast one other AMD module through define(), are called statically referred modules. Dynamically referred AMD modules are never referred by any other module using define() rather they are referred only through require(). The UI bundle must contain direct reference to all dynamically referred modules. It's very important to know that for an entry, all other statically referred modules from that module are automatically added e.g. suppose, A statically refers to B and that statically refers to C but C dynamically refers to D, in this scenario, you should put an entry for A and an entry for C to completely refer all the modules A, B, C, D.

    • src/test/extensions.spec.js - Sample unit test. Shows how to write unit tests for each JS module in this plugin.
    • src/utils/theme/action_icons/action_sample_icon.svg - A sample icon resource, could be used to represent a menu action. To know more about action icons and how to use them in UI refer to Use icons in D2SV
    • src/utils/theme/action.icons.js - Holder of all the action icons. This file is auto-generated everytime the UI code is being built.

      After adding a new svg file in action_icons directory, you need to build the UI code once to re-generate this holder file.

    • src/utils/startup.js - Hooks to D2SV application startup phase. Generally used to run additional custom logic that has to happen during the startup i.e before any of the UI components starts to render on the page. Provides two hook points, namely beforeStartup() and afterStartup() their purpose is pretty much self explanatory.
    • src/component.js - Declares the UI bundles in this plugin. Used by the UI framework while building the UI code as well as used while serving the code through NodeJS server. This file normally wouldn't require any change unless the UI source code declares a RequireJS plugin.

      At this time only one UI bundle per D2SV plugin is supported by the runtime. So you must not try to split the d2svtest-bundle.js file into multiple smaller bundles.

    • src/config-build.js - RequireJS configuration used while building the UI code. This file is auto-generated every time the UI code is being built. So any changes done to this file gets automatically discarded.
    • src/d2svtest-init.js - Used to supply additional RequireJS configuration to AMD modules in this plugin. Also can be used to re-configure any other AMD modules defined by the D2SV UI itself or any of its dependencies.

      All the plugins deployed on D2 Smartview do not have a mechanism to specify their loading order. So if multiple plugins try to configure the same AMD module then whichever plugin is loaded last, configuration from that plugin will apply.

    • src/d2svtest-extensions.json - Single file to register all the D2SV UI API extensions defined by this plugin.
    • src/Gruntfile.js - Task definition file used to build the source code.
    • test/Gruntfile.js - Task definition file used to start karma server to run unit test on source code/build output.
    • test/karma.conf.js - Karma configuration file used while running unit tests. It leverages the base configuration from @dctm/dctm-web-core NPM package which is a crucial part of the UI framework and comes pre-bundled within the SDK.