Interface VirtualDocumentManager

public interface VirtualDocumentManager
The virtual document manager.
  • Method Details

    • getVirtualDocumentNodes

      Page<VirtualDocumentNode> getVirtualDocumentNodes(String objectId, String vdmNumber, String nodeObjectId, String bindingLabel, boolean followAssembly, Boolean includeBroken, boolean mandatoryOnly, int depth, int page, int itemsPerPage) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get the virtual document nodes from the root or the sub node
      objectId - The object id of the virtual document, or the assembly object id
      vdmNumber - The vdm number of the sub-node, e.g., 1.2.3, null or empty string means from the root node
      nodeObjectId - The object id of the node relative to the vdmNumber
      bindingLabel - The version label to use to resolve late bound nodes
      followAssembly - The follow-assembly property determines whether the server selects component descendants using the containment objects or a snapshot associated with the component. Only when follow-assembly is true and there is a snapshot, then the server selects components from the snapshot.
      includeBroken - Specifies whether to display nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT label.
      mandatoryOnly - whether return mandatory attributes only
      depth - To what depth level the virtual document hierarchy will be returned. -1 means returh the whole vd tree.
      page - The page number
      itemsPerPage - How many nodes will be returned per page
      The nodes of the virtual document
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during get
    • getVirtualDocumentNodes

      Page<VirtualDocumentNode> getVirtualDocumentNodes(String objectId, String vdmNumber, String nodeObjectId, String bindingLabel, boolean followAssembly, Boolean includeBroken, boolean mandatoryOnly, AttributeView attributeView, int depth, int page, int itemsPerPage) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get the virtual document nodes from the root or the sub node
      objectId - The object id of the virtual document, or the assembly object id
      vdmNumber - The vdm number of the sub-node, e.g., 1.2.3, null or empty string means from the root node
      nodeObjectId - The object id of the node relative to the vdmNumber
      bindingLabel - The version label to use to resolve late bound nodes
      followAssembly - The follow-assembly property determines whether the server selects component descendants using the containment objects or a snapshot associated with the component. Only when follow-assembly is true and there is a snapshot, then the server selects components from the snapshot.
      includeBroken - Specifies whether to display nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT label.
      mandatoryOnly - whether return mandatory attributes only
      attributeView - the attribute view
      depth - To what depth level the virtual document hierarchy will be returned. -1 means returh the whole vd tree.
      page - The page number
      itemsPerPage - How many nodes will be returned per page
      The nodes of the virtual document
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during get
    • createVirtualDocumentNode

      VirtualDocumentNode createVirtualDocumentNode(String parentId, VirtualDocumentNode vdNode) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Create a direct child node of virtual document. These attributes could be specified during creating a new virtual document node, [chronicle-id, order-number, binding, override-late-binding, copy-behavior, follow-assembly]
      parentId - the parent of the node (the virtual document object id)
      vdNode - virtual document node
      new created virtual document node
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during creation
    • getVirtualDocumentNode

      VirtualDocumentNode getVirtualDocumentNode(String parentId, String nodeId, String nodeObjectId, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get single document node and corresponding sysobject if nodeObjectId is present. Pay attention that the node to get is not in virtual document context when nodeObjectId is not present, which means only basic attributes will show: [parent-id, chronicle-id, relationship-id, order-number, binding, override-late-binding, copy-behavior, follow-assembly] When nodeObjectId is present, it will populate the properties of the corresponding sysobject as well.
      parentId - the parent of the node (the virtual document object id)
      nodeId - the node id used to get dmr_containment instance, to populate attributes of virtual document node
      nodeObjectId - the sysobject id for the virtual document node in the virtual document context.
      attributeView - the attribute view
      virtual document node
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during get virtual document node
    • updateVirtualDocumentNode

      VirtualDocumentNode updateVirtualDocumentNode(String containmentId, VirtualDocumentNode vdNode) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Update a virtual document node. Pay attention that the node to update is not in virtual document context. And only these attributes are updatable: [order-number, binding, override-late-binding, copy-behavior, follow-assembly]
      containmentId - the containment id used to specify the dmr_containment instance, which is actually updated
      vdNode - the submitted virtual document node
      the updated virtual document node
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during update
    • removeVirtualDocumentNode

      void removeVirtualDocumentNode(String parentId, String nodeId) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Remove a virtual document node
      parentId - the parent of the node (the virtual document object id)
      nodeId - the node id used to specify the dmr_containment instance, which is actually deleted.
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during delete
    • createSnapshotFromScratch

      VirtualDocumentSnapshot createSnapshotFromScratch(VirtualDocumentSnapshot vdSnapshot, String bindingLabel, boolean includeBroken, boolean frozen, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Create a virtual document snapshot from scratch
      vdSnapshot - the virtual document snapshot to create
      bindingLabel - the binding label to construct virtual document
      includeBroken - whether to include broken virtual document nodes
      frozen - whether to freeze new created snapshot
      attributeView - attribute view
      virtual document snapshot
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during creation
    • createSnapshotFromExistingVirtualDocument

      VirtualDocumentSnapshot createSnapshotFromExistingVirtualDocument(VirtualDocumentSnapshot vdSnapshot, String bindingLabel, boolean includeBroken, boolean frozen, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Create a virtual document snapshot from existing virtual document
      vdSnapshot - the virtual document snapshot to create
      bindingLabel - the binding label to construct virtual document
      includeBroken - whether to include broken virtual document nodes
      frozen - whether to freeze new created snapshot
      attributeView - attribute view
      virtual document snapshot
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exceptions during creation
    • getSnapshot

      VirtualDocumentSnapshot getSnapshot(String snapshotId, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get virtual document snapshot
      snapshotId - object id of virtual document snapshot
      attributeView - the attribute view
      instance of virtual document snapshot
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exception during get snapshot
    • removeSnapshot

      void removeSnapshot(String snapshotId) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      The object id of the snapshot to remove
      snapshotId - the object id of the snapshot
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exception during disassemble snapshot
    • freeze

      VirtualDocumentSnapshot freeze(String snapshotId) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Freeze a snapshot
      snapshotId - the object id of the snapshot
      frozen snapshot object
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exception during freeze snapshot
    • unfreeze

      void unfreeze(String snapshotId) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Unfreeze a snapshot
      snapshotId - the object id of the snapshot
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - any exception during unfreeze snapshot