Interface ContextSessionManager

public interface ContextSessionManager
An interface to provide the functions to get the context DFC session. A context DFC session is used in one or multiple transactional operations. Implementation beans for this interface could be autowired in callers. Below is the right usage of methods in ContextSessionManager.
  ContextSessionManager contextSessionManager;

  try {
     // enable using context DFC session
     // do whatever DFC operations using RepositorySession
     // ...
     // complete using context DFC session
  } catch(DfException e) {
     // abort and clear context DFC session
     // error handling
     // ...
  • Method Details

    • enableContextSession

      void enableContextSession(boolean makeTransactional)
      Enable using context wide DFC session, indicating that the session got from RepositorySession will be marked as private to this security context, and it will not be released until completeContextSession or abortContextSession is called.
      makeTransactional - mark the context DFC session as transactional, indicating that the intermediate work done by this session won't be committed until completeContextSession is called.
      See Also:
    • isContextSessionEnabled

      boolean isContextSessionEnabled()
      Check whether using context wide DFC session is enabled.
      true if the context session is enabled; false for otherwise.
    • isContextSessionTransactional

      boolean isContextSessionTransactional()
      Check whether using context DFC session is marked as transactional
      TRUE indicates using context session is transactional; FALSE for otherwise.
    • completeContextSession

      void completeContextSession() throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Complete the context DFC session, indicating to commit intermediate work done by this session if it is in transaction. This session will be released after completion.
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - the exception during the operation
    • abortContextSession

      void abortContextSession()
      Abort the context DFC session, indicating to rollback intermediate work done by this session if it is in transaction. This session will be released after abortion.
    • getContextSession

      com.documentum.fc.client.IDfSession getContextSession()
      FOR INTERNAL USE. Get the context DFC session being used; it may return null if context session is not initialized yet. Do not call this method in controllers.
      the context DFC session being used
    • setContextSession

      void setContextSession(com.documentum.fc.client.IDfSession session)
      FOR INTERNAL USE. Set the context DFC session. Do not call this method in controllers.
      session - the DFC session to be set as context wide usage.
    • executeWithinTheContextTran

      @Deprecated <T> T executeWithinTheContextTran(Callable<T> operation) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Execute the operation within the current context transaction If the context transaction is enabled before, then the operation will be executed within the current context. The context will not start or commit the transaction. The transaction is controlled by the owner who starts the context transaction, e.g. an operation in the batch. Otherwise, the transaction will be started and committed/aborted when executing the operation.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the operation result
      operation - the operation to be executed
      the executed result
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - exception during the operation
    • executeWithinTheContextTran

      <T> T executeWithinTheContextTran(ContextSessionManager.SessionCallable<T> operation) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Execute the operation within the current context transaction If the context transaction is enabled before, then the operation will be executed within the current context. The context will not start or commit the transaction. The transaction is controlled by the owner who starts the context transaction, e.g. an operation in the batch. Otherwise, the transaction will be started and committed/aborted when executing the operation.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the operation result
      operation - the operation to be executed
      the executed result
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - exception during the operation