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Deserializes the collection state maintained by BrowsableMixin and the collection of items from the server response according to the V1 of the REST API (/api/v1/nodes/:id/nodes), for example). The BrowsableMixin or a mixin including it must be applied with this mixin together.

Browsing implementation and response parsing is supposed to be added by other mixins, according to the specifics of the server resource.


var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

constructor: function MyCollection(models, options) {
Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);


url: function () {
// use `getBrowsableUrlQuery` to format the URL query or its part

parse: function (response, options) {
// use `parseBrowsedState` to update the browsing properties
// according to the server response and return the received part
// of the collection by calling `parseBrowsedItems`



makeBrowsableV1Response(options) : this

Must be called in the constructor to initialize the mixin functionality. Expects the Backbone.Collection constructor options passed in. It calls makeBrowsable from BrowsableMixin too.

parseBrowsedState(response, options) : nothing

Updates the browsing state from the server response. It expects the arguments passed into the parse method, where this method should be called.

parseBrowsedItems(response, options) : array of object literals

Gathers the items from the server response and returns them as an array, which can be used initialized the collection of models with.

See Also

BrowsableMixin, BrowsableV1RequestMixin