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Context Fragment

The context fragment can be used to fetch data for a dynamically added widget, instead of fetching the whole context, which would re-fetch data for widget created earlier.

// Subscribe a context fragment to the context, before
// a new widget is constructed and rendered.
contextFragment = new ContextFragment(context);
// Create the widget and render it to get the new models
// added to the context and to the context fragment too.
// Fetch only the new models. The new widget will update
// the displayed information as it is needed.
// Unsubscribe the context fragment from the context,
// when it is not needed any more.
contextFragment.destroy() // Unsubscribe the fragment.


The context supports two scenarios for changing the page content:

  • refresh - the page (views) will be reused, only the data will be reloaded
  • exchange - the page will be rebuilt (current views will be destroyed and new ones will be created) and new data wil be loaded

There is one more scenario, which you may see on the page:

  • grow - new content (views) will be added to the page, which needs to load a new data, but the old data do not need to be reloaded

New views usually load the new data by ensureFetched and the context does not need to be involved in fetching the data. However, shared components might be used to add the new content, which depend in the context to load their data. Because only the owning view knows what part of the context will have to be fetched, it is responsible for collecting a fragment of factories for fetching:

// render a new page
context.getObject(...) // get objects from the context
context.fetch() // fetch collected factories
// work with the page <--------------------------------+
// introduce new content to the page |
new ContextFragment(context) // remember new objects |
context.getObject(...) // add other objects |
contextFragment.fetch() // load new data |
contextFragment.destroy() // stop context watching --+

No factories are removed, when a context fragment is fetched and destroyed:

operation / flagrefresh (fetch)exchange (clear + fetch)grow (fragment fetch + destroy)

The fetchability of factories follows the rules which the context declared. In addition to the static rules below, the actual fetchability is checked by the isFetchable method of the context:

method / flagfetchfragment fetch
temporaryN/A (*)forbidden

(*) Temporary factories are removed from the context when the fetch method starts executing. It does not make sense to discuss their fetchability.



Start watching the original context for new factories.

fetch(options): Promise

Fetches all objects in the context fragment, which are fetchable by their originating context. The options will be passed to the fetch methods in factories that take care of the fetchable objects.

clear(): void

Discards all objects from the context fragment. The context fragment remains subscribed to the context.

destroy(): void

Stops watching the original context for new factories. The context fragment will not be usable any more.


fetching: Promise?

The promise returned by fetch during fetching or null if no fetching is in progress.

fetched: boolean

true if the most recent fetch succeeded, false if the context has not been fetched yet, or fetching is in progress, or it failed.

error: Error

null if the most recent fetch succeeded, or fetching is in progress, or the context has not been fetched yet, an instance of Error if the most recent fetch failed.


'request', context

The context fragment is going to be fetched. This event is triggered on the original context too. The fetching, fetched and error properties on the original context are not modified.

'sync', context

Fetching the context fragment succeeded. This event is triggered on the original context too. The fetching, fetched and error properties on the original context are not modified.

'error', error, context

Fetching the context fragment failed. This event is triggered on the original context too. The fetching, fetched and error properties on the original context are not modified.

'add:factory', context, propertyName, factory

A new factory has been added to the context fragment.

'before:clear', context

The context fragment is going to be cleared.

'clear', context

The context fragment has been cleared.

'destroy', context

The context fragment has been destroyed.