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Delta Menus in D2

Developers can create default menus as part of any context from the plugin. Any menu item can be appended in context.

Following are the currently supported contexts in D2 Smartview.

  • MenuContext
  • MenuContextDetailRelations
  • MenuContextDetailRenditions
  • MenuContextDetailVersions
  • MenuContextSavedSearchObject
  • MenuContextTaskDocument
  • MenuContextTaskPriority
  • MenuContextTasksList
  • MenuContextVD
  • MenuContextVDAddChildOption
  • MenuContextVDReplaceChildOption
  • MenuContextWorkflowOverview
  • MenuDocumentD2LifeCycleAttach
  • MenuDocumentLifeCycle
  • MenuDocumentLifeCycleAttach
  • MenuDocumentShare
  • MenuDocumentWorkflow
  • MenuNewObject
  • MenuToolsMassUpdate
  • MenuUser

If the develop wants to define a OOTB default menu in the following path and format. resources/xml/unitymenu/<context_name>Delta.xml.

Menu item in the D2 will follow the below structure

<menuitem id="MenuId">
<dynamic-action class="ClassName"/>
<condition class="ClassName" equals="value"/>

Here we have mainly 3 part for the menu as follows

  • menuitem: define the menu item which will have a id attribute. The id attribute can be used to define label and is also a unique identifier.
  • dynamic-action: developer can define a class which is extended from the IDynamicAction. This tag is used to define the action that has to be performed when the menu item is clicked.
  • condition: developer can define condition which has to be extended from ICondition

Depending on the class custom attributes can be passed to the tag for both dynamic-action and condition

In order to define the menu item we need to understand the root tag as delta tag. There are mainly 3 types of operation done on the menu item

  • insert - This will be used to insert a new item. There are a couple of attribute which are position-before and position-after which will contain attribute value to menu id before or after which the current node has to be placed.
  • append - This will be used to append item to the end of the.
  • modify - this will need an id attribute which is a reference to any existing menu id which has to be modified. This can can be used to delete, insert, append and insert-before.
  • delete - This will need an id attribute which will refer to the menu id that has to deleted.
  • insert-before - This can be used along with the modify to add new conditions.
  • move- This can be used to move and exiting menu by using the menu id and position-before and position-after.
  1. position-before and position-after attributes containes the menu id of other menus
  2. menu id, class names for the dynamic actions and conditions can be identified by creating menu items in D2-Config and exporting the menus.

Find below some of the ways to use delta menus:

  1. Insert new menu
    <insert position-before="menuToolsMassUpdate">
    <menuitem id="menuContextViewPermission">
    <dynamic-action class="com.emc.d2fs.dctm.ui.dynamicactions.actions.U4Generic" eMethod="getPermissions" eMode="SINGLE" eService="PermissionActionService" rAction="${pluginNamespace}/dialogs/permissions/permissions.dialog:showPermissions" rType="JS"/>
    <condition class="com.emc.d2fs.dctm.ui.conditions.interfaces.IsMultipleSelection" equals="false"/>
    <condition class="com.emc.d2fs.dctm.ui.conditions.options.IsPluginActivated" value="${pluginName}"/>
    <insert position-before="menuToolsMassUpdate">
  2. Modify an existing menu with new conditions
    <modify id="menuDocumentEdit">
    <condition class="com.emc.d2fs.dctm.ui.conditions.typeparts.IsObjectType" value="d2c_bin_deleted_document¬d2c_bin_deleted_folder¬d2c_bin_deleted_folder_dump¬d2c_bin_deleted_rendition" equals="false"/>