Interface D2fsRestContextAware

  • public interface D2fsRestContextAware
    All the Rest service spring bean classes should implement this interface to get D2fsRestContext object initialized post bean initialization. D2fsRestContext object holds information on DFC session manager, login info, locale, application name, network location etc which might be required by the service class. D2fsRestContext which extends from com.emc.d2fs.models.context.Context is also needed when the service bean invokes any D2FS service annotated with @InjectSession.
    • Method Detail

      • setD2fsRestContext

        void setD2fsRestContext​(D2fsRestContext context)
        All the Rest service spring bean classes should implement this method to set D2fsRestContext object with the value passed in the method argument.
        context - D2fsRestContext object created by D2 Rest framework post bean initialization.