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The simplest context, which can include and fetch models and collections, but does not provide any other functionality. If you use it with widgets, which expect changes based on their context-changing models, you will have to handle these changes yourself.

], function (ShortcutView, PageContext, NextNodeModelFactory, Marionette) {
'use strict';

var context = new PageContext(),
nextNode = context.getModel(NextNodeModelFactory),

region = new Marionette.Region({
el: '#content'
view = new ShortcutView({
context: context,
data: {
type: 141

// Perform some action if the widget triggered contextual node change
nextNode.on('change:id', function () {
alert('Node ID:' + nextNode.get('id'));



Plugins descended from ContextPlugin (nuc/contexts/context.plugin) can be registered. They will be constructed and stored with the context instance. They can override the constructor and the method isFetchable(factory).