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TaskDetailsPanelView : d2/sdk/widgets/task.details.panel/task.details.panel.view

Interface for all custom task details views. This is an extension of Marionette Layout View

Extends: Marionette.LayoutView
Example (A new task details view task.helloworld.view.js could be defined as)

], function (TaskDetailsPanelViews) {
'use strict';

var helloworldViewTemplate = '<script type="text/html">' +
'<h3 style="\n' +
' padding: 16px;\n' +
' font-size: 24px;\n' +
' color: red;\n' +
'">Hello World !</h3>' +

var TaskHelloworldView = TaskDetailsPanelViews.extend({
template: helloworldViewTemplate
}, {
enabled: function () {
// This task details view will be shown or hidden based on whether
// the enabled function returns true or false
return true;

return TaskHelloworldView;

Example (Suppose we want to show this task details view for only those task where assignee is dmadmin, we can write a simple equality check for node's type and assignee attributes and using constants utils from sdk)

   enabled: function (options) {
var nodeType = options.node.get('type'),
assignee = options.node && options.node.get('assignee');

if (nodeType === constants.Types.TASK &&
assignee === 'dmadmin') {
return true;

return false;

Example (To register this task details view with task details panel views array, add the entry in extension.json as)

"d2/sdk/widgets/task.details.panel/task.details.panel.views": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": [

Example (The task.details.panel.views.js is defined as below. Optionally a sequence value(greater than 1000) can be passed to the task details view entry to specify their order in the tab panel)

], function(TaskHelloworldView){
'use strict';

// Array of task details views added to the plugin
return [

// Each task details view entry should have a name, title to be shown for the tab
// and the content view to be shown on the task details panel when this tab is selected

// Incase multiple task details views(tabs) are added in a plugin or multiple plugins with tabs are
// deployed, then the order of these tabs in tab panel are determined at runtime.
// If tabs are to be placed in specific sequence in tab panel,
// then add a numeric value greater than 1000 for sequence attribute(values upto 1000 are used internally).
// The tabs should appear in ascending order of their sequence in tab panel
name: 'helloworld', // The task details tab name, it has to be a unique string
title: 'Hello World',
contentView: TaskHelloworldView,
sequence: 1010 // The sequence value determines the order in which these tabs appear in the tab panel

// Additional task details views can also be registered in this array

taskDetailsPanelView.options : Object

Holder of parameters passed during task details view construction.

Kind: instance property of TaskDetailsPanelView

taskDetailsPanelView.model : NodeModel

Selected task/workflow reference. It holds information like task/workflow id, name, type etc.

Kind: instance property of TaskDetailsPanelView
See: NodeModel

TaskDetailsPanelView.enabled([options]) ⇒ boolean

Decides whether to show or hide tab for this task details view based on the return value(true or false).

Kind: static method of TaskDetailsPanelView


The options object will have the selected task/workflow and context details. The options.node will have the selected task/workflow reference and it contains information about task/workflow attributes like id, name etc. Conditions can be added based on these attributes to return true/false (show/hide the tab for the selected task/workflow).