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NodeActionsRules : d2/sdk/commands/node.actions.rules

Action rules collection. Each rule binds a D2SV menu action to a CommandModel by mapping through it's signature. So that when the menu action is selected by end user from a menu toolbar, business logic from the mapped CommandModel is executed. If a NodeModel is found to have a menu action that is not mapped to any CommandModel's signature, the menu action is ignored.

D2SV application runtime pre-defines many such mappings for OOTB business actions.

One or more rules, to map new actions, could be added to this collection by means of extension.

Extends: Array
See: RulesMatchingMixin for a complete guide on how to write rules.
Example (to register an extension, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/commands/node.actions.rules": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (whereas my.node.actions.rules.js is defined as)

define([], function(){
'use strict';

return [
command_key: 'D2-OpenUrl', //`signature` from a CommandModel implementation
equals: {action: 'D2_ACTION_OPEN_URL'},
iconName: 'd2_action_open_url'
command_key: 'Delete',
decides: function(item) {
return item.action === 'D2_ACTION_EXECUTE_MANAGER' &&
item.actionParameters && item.actionParameters.MANAGER === 'DestroyManager';
iconName: 'd2_action_delete' // The icon to use when this action is shown in a toolbar with icon.