SVG support

Our main use case for current release was to enable some basic D3-based chart functionality. It means that current SVG Support is by no means complete and we believe it will improve in future.

Examples of currently supported SVGs

Name & Source Original (SVG) Render (PNG)
skull.svg (source) skull.svg skull
clock.svg (source) clock.svg clock
tiger.svg (source) tiger.svg tiger
triangle.svg (source) triangle.svg triangle
piechart.svg (source) piechart.svg piechart
rounded.svg (source) rounded.svg rounded
strokewidth.svg (source) strokewidth.svg strokewidth
linecap.svg (source) linecap.svg linecap
linejoin.svg (source) linejoin.svg linejoin
dasharray.svg (source) dasharray.svg dasharray
fillrule.svg (source) fillrule.svg fillrule
clippath.svg (source) clippath.svg clippath