Interface IDfQueryStatus
public interface IDfQueryStatus
Represents the status of a search execution at a given point in time.
It contains the status of each source and a global status for the query.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be sent to the server because of an IO error.static final int
Default value for status information.static final int
Query completed, all sources replied successfully (no more processing is happening on the server).static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the wrapper execution took too much time and was stopped.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the connection with the external source server was broken and the query could not complete properly.static final int
There is a problem with one or several facet definitions defined in the query.static final int
Unable to compute query (no server or no source available).static final int
There was an error with the full-text search.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that an internal error occurred, possibly due to an uncaught exception or an unavailable adapter (default value, nothing special to report to the end-user).static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be processed by a wrapper because of an authentication failure (wrong password).static final int
Query has not been started yet.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the query was not processed by the adapter because there is no queriable attribute defined in the query or the query is not supported by the source.static final int
The remote source is not available right now, try later.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that at least one query scope is unreachable (either not found or no access permission), and the query returned 0 result.static final int
The syntax used to express the query is not valid.static final int
New results are being transmitted by the server (at least one source replied positively).static final int
Query has been stopped.static final int
The query would return too many results, try to be more specific.static final int
When DONE, indicates that the results have been truncated.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the source does not support the query object type.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the source is not available.static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be processed because it failed too many times to connect to the source (network problem).static final int
An attribute is not correct or not supported by the source.static final int
In progress, query has been sent to the server (no response received yet).static final int
When in FAILED state, indicates that the query was stopped by the user and did not answer fast enough to be successful.static final int
The syntax used to express a wildcard search is not correct or not supported. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a debug String containing the history of events that occurred during query
Gets the number of failed
Gets the number of successful sources.Returns the list of sources in this status.getSourceStatus
(String sourceName) Returns the status of the query for a specific
Gets the status of the query.
Field Details
static final int NONEQuery has not been started yet.- See Also:
static final int WAITINGIn progress, query has been sent to the server (no response received yet).- See Also:
static final int RECEIVINGNew results are being transmitted by the server (at least one source replied positively).- See Also:
static final int DONEQuery completed, all sources replied successfully (no more processing is happening on the server).- See Also:
static final int FAILEDUnable to compute query (no server or no source available).- See Also:
static final int STOPPEDQuery has been stopped.- See Also:
static final int DEFAULTDefault value for status information.- See Also:
static final int TRUNCATEDWhen DONE, indicates that the results have been truncated.- See Also:
static final int INTERNALFAILUREWhen in FAILED state, indicates that an internal error occurred, possibly due to an uncaught exception or an unavailable adapter (default value, nothing special to report to the end-user).- See Also:
static final int NOTCONSTRAINEDWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the query was not processed by the adapter because there is no queriable attribute defined in the query or the query is not supported by the source.- See Also:
static final int UNREACHABLEWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be processed because it failed too many times to connect to the source (network problem).- See Also:
static final int LOGINFAILEDWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be processed by a wrapper because of an authentication failure (wrong password).- See Also:
static final int COULDNOTFETCHWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the query could not be sent to the server because of an IO error.- See Also:
static final int EXT_SOURCE_UNAVAILABLEWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the connection with the external source server was broken and the query could not complete properly.- See Also:
static final int UNAVAILABLEWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the source is not available. It may be temporary down or mispelled.- See Also:
static final int QUERY_SCOPE_UNREACHABLEWhen in FAILED state, indicates that at least one query scope is unreachable (either not found or no access permission), and the query returned 0 result.- See Also:
static final int WASSTOPPEDWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the query was stopped by the user and did not answer fast enough to be successful.- See Also:
static final int EXPIREDWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the wrapper execution took too much time and was stopped.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWhen in FAILED state, indicates that the source does not support the query object type.- See Also:
static final int OVERLOADEDThe remote source is not available right now, try later.- See Also:
static final int TOOMANYRESULTSThe query would return too many results, try to be more specific.- See Also:
static final int FULLTEXT_ISSUEThere was an error with the full-text search.- See Also:
static final int QUERY_SYNTAX_NOT_VALIDThe syntax used to express the query is not valid.- See Also:
static final int WILDCARD_SYNTAX_ERRORThe syntax used to express a wildcard search is not correct or not supported.- See Also:
static final int UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORAn attribute is not correct or not supported by the source.- See Also:
static final int FACET_DEFINITION_ERRORThere is a problem with one or several facet definitions defined in the query.- See Also:
Method Details
int getNbrSuccess()Gets the number of successful sources.- Returns:
- An integer that counts the positive responses received so far.
int getNbrFailed()Gets the number of failed sources.- Returns:
- An integer that counts the negative responses received so far.
int getStatus()Gets the status of the query.- Returns:
- An integer containing the code of the status (QueryControl.DONE to QueryControl.STOPPED).
String getHistory()Returns a debug String containing the history of events that occurred during query execution.- Returns:
- A String representing the history of events as a string.
Returns the status of the query for a specific source.- Parameters:
- The internal name (non localized) of the source.- Returns:
- A String representing the status for the source.
IDfEnumeration getSources()Returns the list of sources in this status.- Returns:
- An IDfEnumeration of String (source internal name).