Interface IDfServerMap

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfServerMap extends IDfTypedObject
Provides information about known Docbase Servers.
  • Method Details

    • getDocbaseId

      int getDocbaseId()
      Returns the Docbase ID. This method returns the value of the i_docbase_id attribute of the server locator object.
    • getDocbaseId

      int getDocbaseId(int index)
      Returns the Docbase ID. This method returns the value of the i_docbase_id attribute of the server locator object.
    • getServerCount

      int getServerCount()
      Returns the DocbaseServer count. This method returns the number of servers for a particular docbase.
    • getSilentLogin

      boolean getSilentLogin(int index)
      This method returns the value of the a_silent_login attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getServerName

      String getServerName(int index)
      Returns the name of the Docbase Server. This method returns the value of the r_server_name attribute of the server locator object.
    • getHostName

      String getHostName(int index)
      Returns the name of the host machine where the Server resides. This method returns the value of the r_host_name attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getServerVersion

      String getServerVersion(int index)
      Returns the version number of the Server. This method returns the value of the r_server_version attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getProcessId

      int getProcessId(int index)
      Returns the Process ID of the Server. This method returns the value of the r_process_id attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getLastStatus

      String getLastStatus(int index)
      Returns the status of the Server process. The value is one of: starting, open, stopped, or presumed down. This method returns the value of the r_last_status attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getLastCheckpoint

      IDfTime getLastCheckpoint(int index)
      Returns the time that the server last reported to the connection broker. This method returns the value of the r_last_checkpoint attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getNextCheckpoint

      IDfTime getNextCheckpoint(int index)
      Returns the time that the server is next expected to report to the connection broker. This method returns the value of the r_next_checkpoint attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getClientProximity

      int getClientProximity(int index)
      Indicates how far the server is from the client. The value rises directly in relation to the distance. This method returns the value of the r_client_proximity attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getKeepEntryInterval

      int getKeepEntryInterval(int index)
      Determines how long the connection broker will keep the server�s entry in the absence of a checkpoint message from the server. This method returns the value of the r_keep_entry_interval attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getConnectionProtocol

      String getConnectionProtocol(int index)
      This method returns the value of the i_connection_protocol repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getConnectionAddress

      String getConnectionAddress(int index)
      This method returns the value of the i_server_connection_address repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getConnectionAddress6

      String getConnectionAddress6(int index)
      This method returns the value of the i_server_connection_addressv6 repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getLogonSupport

      String getLogonSupport(int index)
      Returns Type of logon (Will be NT_Unified_logon for servers running under Windows) This method returns the value of the i_logon_support repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getDocbrokerVersion

      String getDocbrokerVersion(int index)
      Returns Version number of the responding connection broker. This method returns the value of the i_docbroker_version repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getDocbrokerHostName

      String getDocbrokerHostName(int index)
      Returns Name of the host machine on which the responding connection broker resides. This method returns the value of the i_host_name repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getDocbrokerHostAddress

      String getDocbrokerHostAddress(int index)
      Returns IP address of the host machine on which the responding connection broker resides. This method returns the value of the i_host_addr repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getDocbrokerPortNumber

      int getDocbrokerPortNumber(int index)
      Returns Port number of the port on the host machine that the connection broker is using for communications. This method returns the value of the i_port_number repeating attribute of the server locator object at the specified index.
    • getDormancyStatus

      String getDormancyStatus(int index)
      Returns the status of the server at the specified index.
      index - The index into the servermap from which the value has to be picked up
      a String representing the status, possible values are ACTIVE,DORMANT, DORMANCY_REQUESTED