Interface IDfRetainerDispositionRule

public interface IDfRetainerDispositionRule
Defines the way in which disposition rules are enforced.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    RPS will dispose of the object with a DFC destroy() method call.
    static final int
    RPS will call the destroy() method on the root object only (in the case of a complex object) and expect the TBO to destroy the children as appropriate.
    static final int
    RPS will create an IDfDeleteOperation, add the object as a node, and execute the operation.
  • Field Details


      static final int DESTROY_CHILDREN
      RPS will dispose of the object with a DFC destroy() method call. This will be the default value.
      See Also:

      static final int DESTROY_VDM
      RPS will create an IDfDeleteOperation, add the object as a node, and execute the operation. VDMs will be added as an IDfVirtualDocument so the root and the VDM children will be destroyed in the proper order.
      See Also:

      static final int DESTROY_ROOT
      RPS will call the destroy() method on the root object only (in the case of a complex object) and expect the TBO to destroy the children as appropriate.
      See Also: