Interface IDfDbor

public interface IDfDbor
Used to manage the Documentum Business Objects Registry (DBOR), provide methods to register and unregister business objects, and to look up registered business object entries in DBOR.

  • Method Details

    • lookupService

      Gets the name of the class mapped to the service interface, if found. Throws a DfServiceCriticalException runtime exception object if it finds the specified entry name but it is a TBO instead of a service.
      name - A String that represents the fully qualified interface name for a service-based object.
      Fully qualified class name that implements the SBO's interface.
      DfDborNotFoundException - Cannot find the registry
      DfServiceNotFoundException - Cannot find the service in the registry
    • lookupObject

      Look up a TBO in DBOR. Takes the repository type name as a key (or an interface name) and figures out if it corresponds to a business object in DBOR. Returns the fully qualified class name.
      name - repository type name
      Fully qualified class name that implements the TBO
      DfDborNotFoundException - Cannot find DBOR
      DfServiceNotFoundException - Cannot find service in DBOR
    • getAll

      Get a list of all services (service based and type based) in DBOR.
      IDfEnumeration of IDfDborEntry
    • register

      void register(IDfDborEntry entry) throws DfServiceException
      Adds either a "service" or a "type" entry to DBOR. This method can be used by installation or configuration tools to create new DBOR entries. The IDfDborEntry object passed as an argument needs to be initialized with four values, the "name", its type (true for an SBO, false for a TBO), the fully qualified class name of the implementing class, and its version.

           IDfDbor dbor = m_client.getDbor();
           // if not already registered...
           IDfDborEntry entry = new DfDborEntry();
           entry.setName( strDocbaseTypeOrServiceInterfaceName );
           entry.setServiceBased( bDborService ); // true for SBO, false for TBO
           String strJavaClass = AutoNumberType.class.getName();
           entry.setJavaClass( strJavaClass );
           entry.setVersion( strVersion ); // i.e. "1.0"
           dbor.register( entry );

      NOTE: Entries cannot be overwritten. If an entry must be modified, unregister first and then register again.

      Throws a DfServiceCriticalException runtime exception object if:

      • MSG_DBOR_NOT_DEFINED: There is something wrong with the registry.
      • MSG_SERVICE_EXISTS: If the entry already exists.
      entry - an IDfDborEntry object.
      DfServiceException - DM_VEL_DBOR_IO_ERROR if an Internal error with the registry is encountered.
    • unregister

      void unregister(String name) throws DfServiceException
      To remove a service method unregisterService can be used.

           IDfDbor dbor = m_client.getDbor();
           dbor.register( strDocbaseTypeOrServiceInterfaceName );

      Throws a DfServiceCriticalException runtime exception object if:

      • MSG_DBOR_NOT_DEFINED: There is something wrong with the registry.
      • MSG_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS: If the entry does not exist.
      name - - service name
      DfServiceException - DM_VEL_DBOR_IO_ERROR: If there is a problem accessing the registry,