Interface IDfBusinessObject

public interface IDfBusinessObject
A standard administrative interface that all BOF objects must implement.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the Copyright statement stored in the implementation class.
    Returns the current version of the business object implementation as a string.
    Checks if this object is compatible with the specified version, often used in conjunction with supportsFeature(String).
    Checks if the specified feature matches an entry in the implementations list of supported features.
  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Returns the current version of the business object implementation as a string.

      The string has the following format: <major version>.<minor version>. Example: "1.0".

      version string
    • getVendorString

      String getVendorString()
      Returns the Copyright statement stored in the implementation class. If a business object is provided by Documentum the vendor string would be "Copyright (c) Documentum, Inc. 1999-2005. All Rights reserved".
      copyright statement
    • isCompatible

      boolean isCompatible(String version)
      Checks if this object is compatible with the specified version, often used in conjunction with supportsFeature(String).
      version - version string of format: <major version>.<minor version>. Example: "1.0"
      true if business object type is compatible with the version (false if incompatible)
      See Also:
    • supportsFeature

      boolean supportsFeature(String feature)
      Checks if the specified feature matches an entry in the implementations list of supported features.

      The implementation is up to the author of the BOF object. For example, the class could look up a table in the repository, store features in a private hashtable, array or list.

      Based on this information, specific UI features might then be switched on or off.

      feature - feature string
      true if feature is supported (false if the feature is not supported)
      See Also: