Annotation Interface TemplateParams

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface TemplateParams
This annotation is used on resource controllers that are designed to provide clients with link relations as URI templates e.g. If the controller sets annotation @RequestMapping and @TemplateParams like below @RequestMapping("/samplepath") @TemplateParams({"param1","param2"}) The link relation pointing to this resource would be built like "hrefTemplate":"{contextRoot}/samplepath{?param1,param2}" Besides the params in @TemplateParams, The params in @RequestMapping would also be included in the href template of the controller link. e.g. If the controller sets annotation @RequestMapping and @TemplateParams like below @RequestMapping(path="/samplepath",params={"param1","param2"}) @TemplateParams({"param3","param4"}) The link relation pointing to this resource would be built like "hrefTemplate":"{contextRoot}/samplepath{?param1,param2,param3,param4}" If both params in @TemplateParams and the one in @RequestMapping are empty, the link builder would build this controller link as "href" e.g. If the controller sets annotation like below @RequestMapping(path="/samplepath") The link relation pointing to this resource would be built like "href":"{contextRoot}/samplepath"
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The params to be included in the href template
    The params to be included in the href template
  • Element Details

    • value

      @AliasFor("params") String[] value
      The params to be included in the href template
      parameter name array
    • params

      @AliasFor("value") String[] params
      The params to be included in the href template
      parameter value array