Interface AclManager

public interface AclManager
The Access Control List manager.
  • Method Details

    • getAclById

      AclObject getAclById(String objectId, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get ACL by object id.
      objectId - the acl object id
      attributeView - the attribute view on the result
      the AclObject
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • getAclByName

      AclObject getAclByName(String aclDomain, String aclName, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get ACL by acl_domain and acl_name
      aclDomain - the ACL owner name
      aclName - the ACL object name
      attributeView - the attribute view on the result
      the ACL object
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - This method is only for internal test usage
    • createAcl

      AclObject createAcl(AclObject object, boolean validateUnknown, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Create ACL object with type and attributes.
      object - The ACL object with type and attributes
      validateUnknown - Indicate if to validate unknown attribute names; TRUE to validate and error occurs if there are unresolved attribute names; FALSE to ignore unresolved attribute names;
      attributeView - the attribute view on te result
      The ACL object with ID and type only
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • updateAcl

      AclObject updateAcl(AclObject object, boolean validateUnknown, boolean ignoreUnmodified) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Update ACL object with attributes.
      object - The ACL object with attributes
      validateUnknown - Indicate if to validate unknown attribute names; TRUE to validate and error occurs if there are unresolved attribute names; FALSE to ignore unresolved attribute names;
      ignoreUnmodified - Indicate if to ignore value-not-modified attributes; if TRUE, server compare all attribute values and ignores attributes that their values are not changed; if FALSE, server enforces to update all attributes in the request body regardless of their values;
      The ACL object
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • updatePermissionSet

      PermissionSetObject updatePermissionSet(String objectId, PermissionSetObject permissionSetObject) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Update the object permission set.
      objectId - The object id of sysobejct
      permissionSetObject - The object of permission set
      the updated permission set object
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • getPermissionSet

      PermissionSetObject getPermissionSet(String objectId, AttributeView attributeView) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get the permission set of an specified sysobject.
      objectId - the object id of the specified sysobject
      attributeView - the attribute view on the result
      the permissions the permission set object
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • getUserPermission

      AccessorPermission getUserPermission(String objectId, String accessor) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Get the grant permissions to an specified sysobject for some user or group
      objectId - the object id of a specified sysobject
      accessor - the user or group name
      user permissions
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation
    • deleteAcl

      void deleteAcl(String objectId, boolean forceDelete) throws com.documentum.fc.common.DfException
      Delete an ACL
      objectId - The object id of acl
      forceDelete - Indicates whether to destroy the ACL object even if it is referenced by other objects in the repository. TRUE - destroy the ACL object even if it is referenced, and only the super user has the permission to do force delete on an ACL; FALSE - do not destroy the ACL object if it is referenced by other objects; The default value is FALSE, and an exception will be thrown if the ACL is referenced by other objects.
      com.documentum.fc.common.DfException - dfc exception during operation