Class DefaultSecurityRuntime


@Configuration @PropertySource("") public class DefaultSecurityRuntime extends
Default security runtime properties values. Properties set in '' will override the default. Please refer to '' for the detail explanation of runtime properties.
  • Field Details

    • authMode

      @Value("${}") public String authMode
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'basic'.
    • fallbackAuthMode

      @Value("${}") public String fallbackAuthMode
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty
    • rootAuthUrl

      @Value("${**}") public String rootAuthUrl
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '/repositories/**'.
    • authUrls

      @Value("${*}") public String authUrls
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '/search*'.
    • realmName

      @Value("${}") public String realmName
      Property value for ''. Defaults to ''.
    • logoutUrl

      @Value("${}") public String logoutUrl
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '/logout'.
    • logoutSuccessUrl

      @Value("${}") public String logoutSuccessUrl
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '/services'.
    • cryptoAlgorithm

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoAlgorithm
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding'.
    • cryptoAlgorithmParametersClass

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoAlgorithmParametersClass
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • cryptoProvider

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoProvider
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty (JVM provider).
    • cryptoProviderClass

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoProviderClass
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • cryptoProviderForceReplace

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoProviderForceReplace
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • cryptoProviderJsafeJCEMode

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoProviderJsafeJCEMode
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • cryptoKeySize

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoKeySize
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '0'.
    • cryptoKeySalt

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoKeySalt
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • cryptoBlockSize

      @Value("${}") public String cryptoBlockSize
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '0'.
    • randomAlgorithm

      @Value("${}") public String randomAlgorithm
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'SHA1PRNG'.
    • keyAlgorithm

      @Value("${}") public String keyAlgorithm
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • clientTokenHeader

      @Value("${}") public String clientTokenHeader
      Property value for ''. Defaults is empty.
    • clientTokenExpirationPolicy

      @Value("${}") public Class<> clientTokenExpirationPolicy
      Property value for ''. Defaults to ''.
    • clientTokenCookieScoped

      @Value("${}") public Boolean clientTokenCookieScoped
    • clientTokenTimeoutInSeconds

      @Value("${}") public Integer clientTokenTimeoutInSeconds
      Property value for ''. Defaults to '3600'.
    • getClientTokenSessionCookie

      @Value("${}") public Boolean getClientTokenSessionCookie
    • clientTokenCookieSameSite

      @Value("${}") public String clientTokenCookieSameSite
      Property value for "". Defaults to empty.
    • hstsDisabled

      @Value("${}") public Boolean hstsDisabled
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • hstsIncludeSubDomains

      @Value("${}") public Boolean hstsIncludeSubDomains
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'true'.
    • hstsMaxAgeInSeconds

      @Value("${}") public long hstsMaxAgeInSeconds
      Property value for ''. Defaults to one year.
    • cacheControlDisabled

      @Value("${}") public boolean cacheControlDisabled
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • contentTypeOptionsDisabled

      @Value("${}") public boolean contentTypeOptionsDisabled
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • xFrameOptionsDisabled

      @Value("${}") public boolean xFrameOptionsDisabled
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • xFrameOptionsPolicy

      @Value("${}") public String xFrameOptionsPolicy
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'DENY'.
    • xssProtectionDisabled

      @Value("${}") public boolean xssProtectionDisabled
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'false'.
    • xssProtectionExplicitEnable

      @Value("${}") public boolean xssProtectionExplicitEnable
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'true'.
    • xssProtectionBlock

      @Value("${}") public boolean xssProtectionBlock
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'true'.
    • httpSessionUse

      @Value("${}") public String httpSessionUse
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'STATELESS'.
    • anonymousPatterns

      @Value("${}") public String anonymousPatterns
      Property value for ''. Support multiple values. Separate two patterns with comma.
    • logoutSupportedMethods

      @Value("${,POST}") public String logoutSupportedMethods
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'GET,POST' Support multiple values, separated by comma.
    • ssoLoginSuccessUrlWhitelist

      @Value("${*}") public String ssoLoginSuccessUrlWhitelist
      Property value for "". Default to '/.*'
    • springHttpFirewallDisable

      @Value("${}") public boolean springHttpFirewallDisable
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 'true'.
    • allowedHostPatterns

      @Value("${}") public String allowedHostPatterns
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • proxyAddress

      @Value("${}") public String proxyAddress
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • proxyPort

      @Value("${}") public Integer proxyPort
      Property value for ''. Defaults to 80.
    • proxyUsername

      @Value("${}") public String proxyUsername
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • proxyUserPassword

      @Value("${}") public String proxyUserPassword
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • keystorePath

      @Value("${}") public String keystorePath
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
    • keystorePassword

      @Value("${}") public String keystorePassword
      Property value for ''. Defaults to empty.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultSecurityRuntime

      public DefaultSecurityRuntime()