Annotation Interface SerializableField4XmlMap
The annotation defined on a Java Map field for custom marshalling and unmarshalling. This annotation is applicable
only when the field is explicitly marked by annotation
set as visible by SerializableType.FieldVisibility
.- Since:
- 7.3
Optional Element Summary
Optional ElementsModifier and TypeOptional ElementDescriptionboolean
Specifies the map entries to be marshalled as property bag or not.Specified the XML element attribute name for each map entry's key whenasPropBag()
Element Details
boolean asPropBagSpecifies the map entries to be marshalled as property bag or not. For example, below code marshals the map entries as property bag.{@literal @}SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag=true) Map<String, String> fruits = Collections.singletonMap("apple", "red");
<fruits> <entry key="apple">red</entry> </fruits>
For example, below code marshals the map entries as plain simple xml.
{@literal @}SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag=false) Map<String, String> fruits = Collections.singletonMap("apple", "red");
<fruits> <apple>red</apple> </fruits>
- Returns:
if the map field is to be marshalled as property bag.
- Default:
- false
String propBagEleNameSpecifies the XML element name for each map entry whenasPropBag()
The default is 'entry'. For example, below code marshals the map entries as property bag and specifies the XML element name.{@literal @}SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag=true, propBagEleName="fruit") Map<String, String> fruits = Collections.singletonMap("apple", "red");
<fruits> <fruit key="apple">red</fruit> </fruits>
- Returns:
- the XML element name for the map entry when it is marshalled as the property bag.
- Default:
- "entry"
String propBagKeyNameSpecified the XML element attribute name for each map entry's key whenasPropBag()
. The value of the XML element attribute is the entry value.
The default is 'key'. For example, below code marshals the map entries as property bag and specifies the XML element name.{@literal @}SerializableField4XmlMap(asPropBag=true, propBagEleName="fruit", propBagKeyName="type") Map<String, String> fruits = Collections.singletonMap("apple", "red");
<fruits> <fruit type="apple">red</fruit> </fruits>
- Returns:
- the XML element attribute name for the map entry's key when the entry is marshalled as the property bag.
- Default:
- "key"