Interface IDialogService

public interface IDialogService
D2 dialog services.

Note that Attribute lists are used to provide common and dialog specific arguments and object attributes when building and submitting dialogs. See D2fsConstants for additional dialog names.

Common Dialog Attributes:
  • mode: DF_STRING - Desired Dialog Mode {"create", "edit", "import"}
  • id: DF_ID - Id of the target object; Defaults to Context's id
  • r_object_type: DF_STRING - Documentum object type
  • confirm: DF_BOOLEAN - Indicate that the operation is confirmed. If an operation requires confirmation, this must be true or a D2ConfirmException() will be returned.
  • Type specific attribute name: VARIOUS - Documentum object specific attributes. ie. "object_name"

PropertiesDialog -- D2fsConstants.PROPERTIES
  • r_object_type: DF_STRING - Documentum object type (for creation)
  • count_import_file: DF_INTEGER - Number of files being imported
  • property_config: DF_STRING - Name of property configuration
  • force_dialog: DF_STRING - Force a specific dialog name
  • force_readonly: DF_BOOLEAN - Boolean to force dialog to be readonly
  • o2_config: DF_STRING - O2 configuration name
  • default_value: DF_STRING - Name of default value configuration name
  • list: DF_STRING - List of attribute names that will get default values (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)
  • inheritedId: DF_ID - ID of object from which to inherit
  • inheritance_properties: DF_BOOLEAN- Control if property inheritance is active
  • inheritance_content: DF_BOOLEAN- Control if content is inherited
  • attr_inheritance: DF_STRING - Name of the attribute inheritance configuration

CreateDialog -- D2fsConstants.CREATE
  • file_name: DF_STRING - Filename added to label
  • inheritedId: DF_STRING - ID of object from which to inherit

ImportAttachmentDialog -- D2fsConstants.IMPORT_ATTACHMENT
  • attachment_names: (OUTPUT?) DF_STRING- List of filenames

AdvancedSearchDialog -- D2fsConstants.ADVANCED_SEARCH
  • id: DF_ID - Id of search or {"node_last_search" for last search}
  • mode: DF_STRING - Mode {"creation | "modification"}

SaveSearchDialog -- D2fsConstants.SAVE_SEARCH
  • search_name: DF_STRING - Name of saved search.

CommentDialog -- D2fsConstants.COMMENT
  • id: DF_ID - Id of the object being commented on
  • editor: DF_STRING - Richtext body of the comment
  • parentCommentId: DF_STRING - Id of the parent comment (if any)

D2WorkflowLaunchDialog -- D2fsConstants.D2WORKFLOW_LAUNCH
  • config: DF_STRING - Name of the D2 workflow config

  • workflowTrackerId: DF_ID - Id of the workflow tracker
  • contextType: DF_STRING - Task/activity name

TaskDialog -- D2fsConstants.TASK
  • operation: DF_STRING - The task operation {"forward", "reject", ???OTHERS}

  • workflowTrackerId: DF_ID - Id of the workflow tracker

TaskPropertyPageDialog -- D2fsConstants.TASK_PROPERTY
  • property_page: DF_STRING - Name of the property configuration.
  • dialog_title_prefix: DF_STRING - Name added to beginning of dialog label

DestroyDialog -- D2fsConstants.DESTROY
  • okForAll: DF_STRING - Include "buttonOkForAll" button if "true"

AdminDictionaryDialog -- D2fsConstants.ADMIN_DICTIONARY
  • gridLocales: DF_STRING - List of locales (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)
  • gridAlias: DF_STRING - List of alias values (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)
  • gridLocalesRemove: DF_STRING - locales to remove
  • gridAliasRemove: DF_STRING - locales aliases to remove

ExportDictionaryDialog -- D2fsConstants.EXPORT_DICTIONARY
  • value_number: DF_STRING - A value for default value number.
  • IsABigDictionary: DF_BOOLEAN - Adjust height for larger dictionaries.

LoadVersionDictionaryDialog -- D2fsConstants.LOAD_VERSION_DICTIONARY
  • object_name: DF_STRING - Dictionary Name

SaveVersionDictionaryDialog -- D2fsConstants.SAVE_VERSION_DICTIONARY
  • object_name: DF_STRING - Dictionary Name

DistributionDialog -- D2fsConstants.DISTRIBUTION_DIALOG
  • config_name: DF_STRING - Name of distribution config (overridden by tracker config name)

ChangeStateDialog -- D2fsConstants.CHANGE_STATE
  • dialog_lifecycle: DF_STRING - Property configuration name

MassUpdateDialog -- D2fsConstants.MASS_UPDATE_DIALOG
  • config_name: DF_STRING - Mass update configuration name

ChangePermissionsDialog -- D2fsConstants.CHANGE_PERMISSIONS
  • config_name: DF_STRING - Name of Acl configuration name

PreferencesDialog -- D2fsConstants.PREFERENCES
  • FORCED_LANGUAGE: DF_BOOLEAN - Set forced language to be active.

DmGroupDialog -- D2fsConstants.DM_GROUP_DIALOG
  • mode: DF_STRING - Determine if create or other mode {"create", "edit"}.

DmUserDialog -- D2fsConstants.DM_USER_DIALOG
  • mode: DF_STRING - Determine if create or other mode {"create", "edit"}.

RelationCreateDialog -- D2fsConstants.DM_USER_DIALOG

    (for use in validDialog()) - -

  • description: DF_STRING - Description of new relation
  • relation_type: DF_STRING - Name of the relation type.
  • relation_target: DF_BOOLEAN - Reverse the relationship.
  • relation_target: DF_STRING - Id of the relation child.

QueryCategoryDialog -- D2fsConstants.QUERY_CATEGORY
  • is_public: DF_BOOLEAN - The default value for is_public

SendmailDialog -- D2fsConstants.SENDMAIL
  • locate_url: DF_STRING - List of URLs to include in message body (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)

    (for validDialog)

  • address: DF_STRING - List of recipients (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)
  • message: DF_STRING - Message body.
  • subject: DF_STRING - Message subject.
  • attach: DF_BOOLEAN - Determine if attachments are added.
  • format: DF_STRING - Preferred format

SignOffDialog -- D2fsConstants.SIGN_OFF
  • intention_assistance_type: DF_STRING - Assistance type
  • intention_assistance_value: DF_STRING - Assistance value
  • intention_assistance_locale: DF_STRING - Assistance local (default "auto")
  • intention_required: DF_BOOLEAN - Determine if intention is required.
  • intention_editable: DF_BOOLEAN - Determine if intention is editable

ContentSubscriptionDialog -- D2fsConstants.CONTENT_SUBSCRIPTION

    (for validDialog)

  • subscriptions: DF_STRING - List of subscription configuration names for each subscription (separated by AttributeUtils.SEPARATOR_VALUE)

ExportTaxonomyDialog -- D2fsConstants.EXPORT_TAXONOMY
  • value_number: DF_STRING - A value for default value number.
  • IsABigTaxonomy: DF_BOOLEAN - Adjust height of dialog for large taxonomy.

LoadVersionTaxonomyDialog -- D2fsConstants.LOAD_VERSION_TAXONOMY
  • object_name: DF_STRING - Taxonomy name

SaveVersionTaxonomyDialog -- D2fsConstants.SAVE_VERSION_TAXONOMY
  • object_name: DF_STRING - Taxonomy name

VDSnapshotCreateDialog -- D2fsConstants.VD_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DIALOG

    (for validDialog)

  • title: DF_STRING - Title of snapshot

VdTemplateDialog -- D2fsConstants.VD_INHERITED_TEMPLATES